Septembra 2005 so imeli EXOD's prvi javen nastop. Shuck in Rémy sta ,,e dokazala svojo vrednost v glasnem pop bandu »Synapses«.
Igrala sta 4 leta, medtem ko sta se pokazala na vec kot 80 nastopih in posnela 2 CD-ja v studiu.
Ker sta se navelicala glasbe, ki je bila nekoliko prene,,na za njune metalske ideje, sta se odlocila, da zapustita Synapses. S seboj sta vzela tehnika skupine, Cyril, ki bi bil bistvo delovanja za njihov nadaljnji EXOD's.
Istocasno so kontaktirali Ludo, kitarista metalske skupine »Victime Ineptie«, ki je zelo znan v njihovem obmocju in igra dober black metal. Brez obotavljanja je vzel svojo kitaro in svoj ojacevalec in se pridru,,il trem starim hijenam Synapses-ov. Poznal je mladega talentiranega basista Steph aka »p' Ti con« (»mlad idiot«), ki se jim je prav tako pridru,,il.
Zelo hitro so se domenili in se spravili komponirat in koncerti so jim kar padli v ,,epe.Junija 2006 je iz,,el prvi CD od EXOD's s ,,tirimi pesmimi imenovan »Corbillard«. Danes je njihov CD naprodaj za 4€ in z 20 uglasbitvami mu je zagotovljena prihodnost. Ampak poleti 2006 se je skupina prestavila v nove sfere, v zahvalo staremu Ludu. Njegovo dekle, pevka, ki misli, da je metal zakon, je med vajo pri,,la na preizku,,njo in posodila svoj glas njihovim zvokom. Bingo, ob njihovem hard metalu si zacel drhteti, ko si jo poslu,,al. Tako je Léna postala clan EXOD's in bo verjetno dala skupini gothik metal stil.
Tako se je robila skupina EXOD's.
Skupina je prestala spremembo v marcu 2007, z odhodom Léna zaradi »prakticnih« razlogov (vaje, nastopi,…). Skupina bo nadaljevala tako kot pred njenim prihodom, saj je bil njen glas samo na nekaterih pesmih, ne na vseh. Ni panike, EXOD's je ,,e zmeraj na nogah. :)Na koncu marca so naredili njihov prvi videospot »Votez pas pour des cons«…Trenutno EXOD's snemajo novi CD (z ducat pesmi), ki bo iz,,el 14. julija.Nacrtujejo nastope za promocijo novega albuma z datumi v Franciji.
THEIR BIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISHIn September 2005 that EXOD's made its appearance. Shuck et Rémy, had already prove their worth in a noisy pop band "Synapses".
They had played for 4 years while appearing in more than 80 shows and recorded 2 CD in studio.
After getting bored with music wich seemed a little too soft compared to their metal ideas, they both decided both to leave "Synapses" taking with them the technician of the band, Cyril, who would be essential for their future EXOD's.
In the same time they contacted Ludo, a guitarist of a metal group "Victime ineptie" which is well known in our area and plays good black metal music. Without hesitating, Ludo took his guitar, and his"fucking amplifier", and joined the three old cheyennes of "Synapses". He knew a young talented bass guitarist, Steph, aka "p' Ti con" ("young idiot) and he also joined us. Very quickly osmosis settles in the group, the compos and the concerts fall into the pocket of those who were to be called EXOD's.In June 2006, the first Exod's' cd is out, one 4 titles called "Corbillard", to tribute of their truck !! Today, EXOD's is a 1st CD 4 titles "Corbillard..." on sale 4,00 €‚ and already about 20 compos ready to ensure the future. But then in summer of 2006 the group is to move onto new spheres all thanks again to old Ludo : his girlfriend, a lyrics singer who thinks metal is awesome. During rehearsal she comes for a trial, lends her voice to some of our sounds, and bingo, us pure hard metal kids shiver just by listening to her, and Léna becomes an EXOD's, and will probably give to the band a metal gothic style.
And this is how EXOD's was born.The band undergoes a change of line up in March 2007, with the departure of Léna, for "practise" reasons (rehearsal, shows)... The band will continue like before her departure, cause Léna was only on some tracks, and not on all the songs... thus not of panic, Exod' S is still on feet!!In the end of march, the band make his first videoclip, "Votez pas pour des cons"...July 14th, the new album "Lac de Sang" is out.October 2007, after about 100 cds sold since 2 months, Exod's has played his first acoustic show, during a private show at Igornay (71, France), in front of about 50 invited people.November 2007, Exod's sign on Generation Production.The band is came back to the studio to record their third cd...He will be out around september or october 2008.You can listen to 2 songs : "Prenez les armes" and "Freaks".Now, we are preparing the tour 2008, which will be ,we hope, of a lot of open air festivals.A summer tour, in which Exod's will play in France, in Belgium, in Switzerland and in Germany.
And, a scoop, the opening of the croatian band Ashes you Leave, as of their arrival in France (To be confirmed).