The Heathen Quiz
What sect of Heathenry are you? Native European Traditionalism
Folkish or Universalist? Traditionalist
Are you a member of a Kindred? Kindred
Which one? Oklahoma Great Plains Kindred
Are you a member of a national Orginization? Yes
Which one? Asatru Alliance
Do you feel thet Heathenry as a whole is headed in the right direction? Yes, as long as I have anything to do with it... ;-)
Do you have a patron God/ess? Guess?
Witch one? That would be too easy...
What is your favorite Mead? Raspberry or Juniper berry...
Horn or Stein? Horn
What individual or group has made the biggest impact on Heathen culture? H.R. Ellis Davidson
What is your favorite Heathen book? The Poetic Eddas
Do you practice Seidhr/Spae? Yes
Do you work with the Runes? Yes
What is your Tribal Heritage? 3/8 Gaulic, 5/8 Germanic
Do you understand the difference between Blot and Faining? Yes
Have you ever participated in a Faining? Yes
Have you ever participated in a Blot? Yes, performed it myself...
Do you prefer a High Symble or Folk Symble? The both have their merets... tough one.
Do you talk openly to others about your beliefs? Absolutely
Do you wear a Heathen symbol? Yes
Which one? Hammer, trifoil, Freyja pendent, valknut, ...
Is your spouse/signifigant other Heathen? Yep
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