Isaac profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Just your average fun-loving guy who likes to chill out and slack most of the time... =) Aren't we all? Don't mind trying out anything new... Actually, if you recognise the anime character from Slam Dunk, my life pretty much mirrors his cos, i've had my fair share of failed relationships and always turn to basketball in the end... Dunno, maybe it's just the feeling i get sometimes when i play ball...

My Interests

Basketball, Cycling, and partying.... =)

I'd like to meet:

People who have a higher than normal level of humour... Actually just people who are fun-loving and out going would be just fine...


Luna Sea, Anything that has great drums, bass or guitar players in it...


Hannibal, Fast and Furious, X-Men, Red Dragon, Silence Of the Lambs, Gone in 60 seconds, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


Memiors of a Geisha, Bear and the Dragon, Lord Of the Rings (Yes, I read the whole book.)