'hanging out' watch movies.... do some crazy stuff hehehe!
mmmm.... okey simple person whom r not felling bad with what they have n should be proud about their own personality and themselves..the most important is people who treasures frenship...
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Check Out This Shit Cafe Del Mar, House, Trance, Instrumental, Disco Underground, , Rap, R&B And My Fav. .. The golden Oldies Hits from The 70's, 80's & early 90's. To release my tension..hehe'
LOTR....10 ThiNgs I HaTes BoUt U....BRinG It ON...AmEriCaN PiE....HoRRor MoViE...young n DanGerouS
ManHunt, Malaysian Idol, Average Joe, America's Next Top Model, Tru Calling, The Apprentice, fear factor... and so.....
The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates!