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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Raised in different rural areas of Oregon with a loving hippie mother, while listening to the BBC, Ray Bradbury, Vangelis and Tomita at night, I'm a woman who is very into expressing her mind. Independent film producer who rarely gets a full nights sleep, but I certainly wouldn't want it any other way. Very much a little girl since I never had a father figure, yet very much an old woman since I had to grow up quickly.
I love people, and I'm able to see the beauty inside them. How can one not love beauty? Often this quality is overlooked in me, and it is always, always misinterpreted.
It is because I'm passionate - passionate, intense and maticulous to the point of annoyance. But there are a few of those that enjoy the complexities of a individual who knows that we constantly change every minute of our lives. Who I was yesterday, is certainly not who I am today. And I am always learning to embrace the chaos of what lies in front of me, at this very minute.
I believe in letting go. I believe in being myself without insisting on the acceptance of others. This makes me incredibly independent. And often seen as unemotional, when nothing could be further from the truth.
I'm cerebral in one way, and then passionate in another. And I like being aware. I like learning about the beauty of new people as well as the things I have yet to see about myself. It's energizing to learn.
Hmm...that sounds okay. But that was yesterday. Today I'm sleepy.
beatific ..bee-uh-TIF-ik.., adjective: 1. exaltedly happy; blissful 2. blessing or making someone exceedingly happy

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sigourney Weaver, Woody Allen, Gene Hackman, and Bill Murray.

This song is for everyone who thinks that no one can see who they truly are.

Boards of Canada: Aquarius

My Blog

New Blogs about Dreams

For those that know me and those that don't know me that well - I tend to have pretty vivid dreams on a weekly basis, right down to the details of the color of the leaves on the ground. What people ma...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 15:17:00 GMT

Film to be Shot in Spring 2009

Hi everyone, Recieved proposals this week on the funds, and will be getting contracts at the end of the month. Money should be happening 30-60 days after that.  So because it takes all summer to ...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:23:00 GMT

’Tis Done

Hi everyone - project has finally gotten 100% financing.  'Tis done. We plan on shooting in Spring of 2009. Will keep you posted as things progress. 'Bout time, eh?
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 14:31:00 GMT

The Adventures of Dorie and Milhouse - for cat people  
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:30:00 GMT

No More Blog

I've had too many people bitch and moan at me for posting comments about my film experiences for all to see on this blog - and believe me, it ain't the worth the stress.  I go through enough...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 14:33:00 GMT