.. A guy that calls me beautiful instead of hot...
who calls me back when I hang up on him...
who'll lay under the stars and listen to my heartbeat...
who'll stay awake and watch me sleep...
who kisses my forehead...
who wants to show me off to the world in my sweats...
A guy who's unafraid of a small gesture or affection in public...
who hold's my hand and is proud to have me at his side in front of his friends...
who finds me just as beautiful without makeup...
A guy, who, with the sound of his voice makes me melt...
and to look at him or dream of him gives me the butterflies...
and the most important, to find a guy who will protect me from hurt, who constantly reminds me he cares and how lucky he is to have me!
You're Betty Grable!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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You are a child's kiss. Completely sweet and
innocent and pure. You mean no harm and only
love in your sweet kisses.
What kind of kiss are you?
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Your Heart is Pink
What Color is Your Heart?
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