my jump
Add to My Profile | More VideosLets see i'm 5'6 have shortish blonde and brown hair.I LOVE TO TRAVEL!!! and i love all my friends i have and the ones i've met in my travels....i'm a ex warrent officer now officer cadet pending with 29 air cadets... i'm band officer i have a 20 ish cadet band who are amazinggg there the best set of kids in the world...
I play flute, oboe, snare, glock, anything really i love musici love being active...i run x-country... currently taking a year from school to work and make enough money to pay for tuition for next year without havin to take out a loan....summer courses i've done threw cadets are:
2002- Basic 3rd intake corsair flight --Greenwood nova scotia
2003- Service band silverstar flight-- last year it was offered in greenwood nova scotia
2004-- technical training aircraft servicing-- Borden/blackdown ontario
2005-- introduction to instruction 2nd intake neptune flight-- Greenwood nova scotia
2006-- international air cadet exchange United States-- WAshington /Kansas/ MIssori
2007-- Advanced aviation technology/airport operations Silver DArt flight-- Georgian college/blackdown/borden ontario FIRST Summer for this course!!!! BRAN NEW:)umm i think thats me in a nut shell if u want to kno more add me to msn i'll be happy to tlak to u but if ur a creeper ur getting blocked:)
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