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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

When released from the abysmal fluid, I needed understanding, The truth was relative to those that were my guides. I encountered my own relative truth thus began the questioning of that percieved truth. In expeirmentation of exsistence I came upon others to prepare me for what is the whole of exsistence laying at my fingers's tips. I have been left torn and ripped by the friction, left staggering and blind. I was left in virtual haze, the holy blur. In these spaces in between are the fragmented glimpes. I am now healing ready for the next phase of this devo. I am no longer blind to the truth of my truth by the perceived truth of others. "Do What Thou Will". Law of Love Sin & Evil: In the Aramaic Language and culture that Jesus taught in, the terms for "sin" and "evil" were archery terms. When the archer shot at the target and missed the scorekeeper yelled the Aramaic word for sin. It meant that you were off the mark, take another shot. The concept of sin was to be positive mental feedback. Sin is when you are operating from inaccurate information and thus a perceptual mis-take. When you become conscious and aware if the results of your inaccuracy you have the option to reconsider what you have learned and do as they do in Hollywood, "do another take." By the way, where the arrow fell when it missed the target was referred to as evil.
Trailer Park Fire by Jalan Crossland
The Mysterious Stranger - The Adventures of Mark Twain

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

budda , loa tsu, G.I.Gurjiff, all great minds locked into the spiritual vibration There is no god but man.1. Man has the right to live by his own law-- to live in the way that he wills to do: to work as he will: to play as he will: to rest as he will: to die when and how he will. 2. Man has the right to eat what he will: to drink what he will: to dwell where he will: to move as he will on the face of the earth. 3. Man has the right to think what he will: to speak what he will: to write what he will: to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will: to dress as he will. 4. Man has the right to love as he will:-- "take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where, and with whom ye will." --AL. I. 51 5. Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights. "the slaves shall serve." --AL. II. 58"Love is the law, love under will." --AL. I. 57

My Blog


Posted by on Wed, 30 Sep 2009 16:24:00 GMT