long in the time of 1981 i meet the first punx in east berlin in my home town and from that time it stuck deep in my heart - rebellious - questioning everything and being independent. meeting with the political oppression in that time means also meeting with the secret service, police and normal rednecks giving hard times to us. That made us, punx, even harder to fight the state and the oppression in the GDR.
This time has built my consciousness very strongly and gives me even power up today. Of course time has changed, and i have being looking at my Life from different ways, but still i'm rebellious and independent as back in the olden days.
I have being in india for some time, studied ancient cultures and being aware of use and abuse in religion, but have found some answers to my quest and questions from the time i have been here.Nowadays i have a CD Production on classical indian music and if you like check out my pages www.malola-trade.net or www.malolapress.de
I edited my profile with Thomas� Myspace Editor V3.6 !