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Watch me - death defy - defy my life.

About Me

To whom ever is interested enough in me to be reading this, this is what is going on with me. I moved to Vancouver, WA in January 06'. I moved here to start a successful real estate business with my friend and business partner Jonas. Things are going very well so far. I have been dating the love of my life, Jade , since July 00' and she is preparing to move up here with me soon. That is pretty much all there is to say about my current situation. Check back in a few months and hopefully I will have updated my info.
Myspace Layouts

image hosting file

My Interests


cute myspace layouts

I'd like to meet:

Robert Kiyosaki, Billy Corgan, Robert Smith, any SF Giants player....

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws


I am an avid music lover. Some of my favorite artists are The Cure, The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Tupac shakur, Modest Mouse, Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional, Dr Dre, Bone thugs, Spice 1, Celly Cell, Eminem, GNR, Metallica, Green Day, Tom Petty, CCR, Weezer, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Pink Floyd, Otis Redding, Betty Love Child, NAS. My Top Albums of all time: Disintegration by The cure, Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins, ANY Radiohead album, Pinkerton by Weezer, Illmatic by NAS, E 1999 Eternal by Bone Thugs n Harmony, Master of Puppets By Metallica, Me Against The World by Tupac, ohh and Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys (actually it was Brian WIlson by himself). AND I love THE POSTAL SERVICE!!!!


Godfather I and II, Pulp Fiction, A history of Violence, The Big Leboski, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Say Anything, Point Break, Office Space, Napolean Dynomite, Trading Places, The Shinning, What The Fuck Do We Know, 40 Year old virgin, I cant remeber anymore just now....


ESPN, The history Channel, Sopranos, The Wire, Carnivale, Rome, and LOST!!! Thats about it.


Acurate history books, not propaganda. Anything critical of our government or foreign policy. Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, Sylvia Browne. Ohh yeah an anything with lots of pictures....I like pictures!


You're my hero!

My Blog

Theres always next season

As a giant fan I was thoroughly disappointed with all the injuries this season, and the poor play this created.  But I would like to point out some positives. First of all RANDY WINN, what more d...
Posted by Whitey on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 10:48:00 PST