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A Lady in Waiting

About Me

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I am a Southern girl who values my relationships with GOD, family and friends. I am a Christian who is not ashamed to proclaim my faith to the world and who is willing to discuss it with anyone who is willing to listen.
I have a creative spirit and love all aspects of the arts. I have a passion for music, dance, and theatre. I love to sing and "pretend" I can play a musical instrument. I have recently discovered the wonderful world of community theater and enjoy being involved in all areas of a production. Other than aspiring to win a role in upcoming productions, I like to hide away in the costume department and put my creative muses to work. If you don't find me there, you may find me at a Celtic Festival or Renaissance Faire following around men in kilts.
I love to explore my Scottish and Irish heritage. Learning about the history, art, music and culture of the Celtic Nations fascinates me. Thankfully, this exploration ties in nicely with my other interests.
For the most part, I dance to the beat of my own drummer for whom I have written the music. My goal is to dance to a completely different instrument all together someday (the bagpipes maybe?) I do my own thing without much concern about other's opinions of me. I'm often the odd "woman" out simply because I know who I am, what I want to be and I refuse to let anyone change that for their own comfort or benefit. My beliefs are strong and deeply rooted and I stand up for what I believe in, even if it means I'm standing alone.
All that made me sound pretty serious, I guess I can be when the situation requires that of me. Thank goodness that everyone is multifaceted and the seriousness is only one side of me. I love to laugh and I'm drawn to people who can, genuinely, make me laugh. Life is humorous enough, if you just pay attention, without trying very hard. Sometimes, it may take a lot to get me to laugh out loud but, watch out, once I start it may take me a while to stop. I am famous for laughing until I cry (or snort but don't tell--that's our little secret.)
If it is not already obvious,let me say that I love children and the opportunity to see life through their eyes. I don't have children of my own but, I am blessed with a large extended family with lots of little ones I can love and "borrow" whenever I want. Being a teacher gives me the opportunity to share in the lives of other children and to stay young at heart.
My mother has described me as "Simple Elegance" for reasons I don't completely understand but, hope that I can continue to live up to that image she has of me. I guess the simple part comes from the fact that the things I want most in life are pretty simple and uncomplicated. The elegance comes from her teaching me that if I acted like a Lady I would be treated like a Lady. I have tried hard to always acheive that goal and it has been proven true time and time again in my life.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Right now, the only person,I can think of, that I would love to meet beyond any question is Will Smith. Will has always reminded me of my brother, even before my brother passed away, and continues to "keep my brother's spirit alive" so to speak. Will and my brother shared a lot of the same mannerisms, facial expressions, vocal expressions and body language. It's always like having a piece of my brother back for a while when I see a Will Smith film.

Others that I would like to meet would be Mike Rowe From the show DIRTY JOBS because the man just fascinates me. Also, I would like to meet Paula Dean simply because there is no one else like her.

My Blog

The Art That Most Moves Men's Souls

    Plato said that "Dancing is the art that most moves men's souls" but, I have to disagree.  For, where would the dancing be without music?  Music is the art that moves men'...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 21:18:00 GMT