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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Here I go again with another update, because I'm bored and possibly could have a condition called myspace-itis-ism (but this condition has no reliable scientific research to back it up). First and foremost I am a mother to one of the most amazing 10 year olds ever. He's 10 and I'm 27, do the math (according to my impeccable Asian math skills, I was 12 at the time of his birth). I sound like every other mother when I say he's awesome, but I believe it's proof that he's amazing when I have friends who come over just to hang with him just because he's the funniest person to converse with. Oh, and one of my bestest friends Ms. Angela Garrido told me (while she was in labor with her son) that she hopes that her baby turned out just like mine (she had an epidural, but there's been no scientific proof that epidurals mess with your common sense). She even offered me chocolate while going through labor which proves she was in her right mind, because Angela is always eating chocolate, buying chocolate, or offering chocolate when she's in her right mind. If she wasn't constantly pursuing chocolate I'd probably have to stage an intervention. I've done many things in life out of order, much of it unintentional but I've come to prefer it that way. The only thing in my life I keep highly controlled is my education. And I don't mess around when I work. I've only called in sick 5 times in almost 8 years and that's because I literally was on my deathbed. I have an insatiable curiousity for people, and their stories. I love connecting with people emotionally, mentally or physically, I have yet to accomplish all three with one person, and hopefully this happens before I become a cougar at the age of 45 (this is my cut off point because I currently appear to be 12). It is also much easier said than done. I'm extremely rebellious by nature, a free spirit, and I love experiencing emotional highs and lows...nothing in-between. I'm an open book, easy to read, but hard to comprehend to those who don't have the patience. I'm also an excellent eyeball gouger, and practicing rock thrower. I may have to find some more odd hobbies to make that list grow. I also have an innate need to amuse myself, sometimes at the expense of consider yourself warned.
.. Create Your Own Here's the love of my life, one of the most amazing 10 yr. olds you'll ever meet. Don't believe me? You'll have to see for yourself. Sonh & his brother from another mother, Drew. His best friend for nearly 10 yrs.!!

My Interests

You. Ok, not really. Books, books, books...any kind of book that can inspire emotionally, mentally or physically. People, people, people...any kind people that can inspire me emotionally, mentally, or physically. I'm probably the biggest nerd I know. I love reading, I can read just about anything other than romance novels. I am completely obsessed with magazines, Time included. I don't watch the news, but I'll read it. I have a short attention span, but reading is the only thing I can completely immerse myself in for hours. It's my favorite alone time thing to do. When I get bored, which is often, eye gouging and rock throwing are fun activities to boost your mood.

I'd like to meet:

Well...I'd love to meet Christian Louboutin. For making the best CFMs a girl has ever known (and can't afford quite yet). If you don't know who he is or what CFMs are then you need to ask your mama. Susan B. Anthony for having the integrity and strength to stand by her convictions even when faced with an enormous amount of adversity. If you don't know who she is, I suggest you pick up a history book. Miss Coco Chanel for relieving women of the stuffy corsets they had to wear for hundreds of years. If you don't know who she is then you probably need a corset to make sure oxygen is properly being circulated into your brain. Oscar Wilde for being able to recognize and articulate that only the senses and soul can cure each other. And someone to cure my soul. CFMs---I have all the people I need to complete me, they have my heart. I have the most amazing friends anyone could ask for, unless you're as equally amazing as they are-don't bother. "Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open."


Anything I can dance to, rock to, sing along with, relax to...just don't give me no techno. ;

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I love having scary movie marathons (they scare me shitless) but I love them anyways. I can watch just about any movie, but all time favorite has to be Forrest Gump.


I don't have the attention span for t.v.


Anything and everything! Just none of that romance crap or self-help books. Cause alpha males w/perfect personalities saving the heroine ain't romantic and people with PHDs who are too busy writing self-help books to experience life shouldn't be writing self-help books. I have a library's worth of books about serial killers and medical books on surgery.


My baby Sonh, because he is the epitome of what compassion truly means.

My Blog


You can only be open minded when you allow yourself to be exposed to things, people, places, and thoughts that are unlike your own. I love when people claim that they are open to many different t...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:52:00 PST

Last night.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle...last night was interesting to say the least. I hope that at least some of ya’ll had fun. I may have to go into hiding for a bit. At least I remembered last night. Ha...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:01:00 PST

No one, no one, no oneuhuhuhnnn

I know Alicia Keys’ "No One" is a love song, but whenever I hear it I’m not thinking about past, present or future "loves". When I hear it, it makes me think of my girlfriends. Cause no o...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:43:00 PST

My baby.

Ok so he's not a baby (10 yrs. old!!), but he's my baby. Here's a Sonh-ism update. He's about to have a baby brother (his dad's gf is in labor as I write this), and calls me 3 times during my night cl...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:49:00 PST


I'm craving... a good conversation a snowboarding session motivation to do my homework a laughtilIpissmypants session some self-control a real vacation/somewhere on a beach with so...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:02:00 PST

Out of hiding.

I wasn't exactly hiding, but I was going through the notgonnadrinkeveragain/gonnareadtilmybrainexplodes/notpickup myphonecalls kinda moods for the last 3 months. I'm back to readytopartyanddancemyassof...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 10:04:00 PST


I got a lot done this weekend, but that meant lack of sleep, no time to eat, and almost no time for myself. I barely made it out to meet with friends on Saturday night, and didn't even make it there ...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 07:54:00 PST


I need a vacation. Last time I checked I haven't left town since November. YIKES. Life happens too fast.  
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:36:00 PST

Jesus Christ on a Bicycle.

You're fine, just whatever you do...don't get fat and we'll be fine (this was told to me twice from 2 different people) here's a big fat FUCK YOU to that. And I'm called superficial...go figure.Guys p...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 10:27:00 PST

Life is good.

I was dreading my 27th, but the girls surprised me early (in the midst of my crazy ass finals). Presidential Suite at Tapatio Cliffs with the best girlfriends...what more can a girl ask for? I've had ...
Posted by Annapandapingpong on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 07:15:00 PST