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Jajce is a town that was first built in the 14th century and which served as the capital of the independent Bosnian kingdom during its time. The town has gates as fortifications, as well as a castle which has walls which lead to the various gates around the town, to protect the castle. When the Bosnian kingdom fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1463, Jajce was taken by the Ottomans but was retaken next year by Matthew Corvin, who was Hungarian King.During this period, the last Bosnian queen Katarina Kosaca-Kotromanic restored the Church of Saint Luke in Jajce, today the oldest church in town. Eventually, in 1527, Jajce became the last Bosnian town to fall to Ottoman rule. There are several churches and mosques built in different times during different rules, making Jajce a rather diverse town in this aspect.Jajce gained prominence during the Second World War because it hosted the second convention of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia on November 29, 1943, a meeting that set the foundation for the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after WWII.Jajce was heavily bombed by the JNA during the Bosnian war 1992-1995. Most of the houses and government building were totally ruined as the Serbs bombed the city in 1992. The city was under serb control then until the Croatian army retook the city in the summer of 1995.After the war, renovations of the city has begun, and most of the houses now are renovated or under renovation. Sadly, because of the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the economy of the Jajce municipality is bad and the renovations have taken a long time.On recent day, UNESCO have started to renovate the historical parts of the city together with a Swedish organisation named Kulturarv utan gränser (Cultural Heritage without Borders).The main project of the Swedish company is to renovate the old traditional Bosnian houses which symbolised the panoramic view of the city and the waterfall. As of 2006, most of the houses are rebuilt but there is still work to be done.UNESCO have just started on their work on Jajce, and their aim is to fix up the waterfall on the way that it was before the war. UNESCO also have started a project together with the Bosnians, to clean up in the fortress on the top of Jajce.As of summer 2006, works are ongoing in the fortress where the grass and trees in the fortress are going to be cleaned up and the aim is to fix up the fortress as it was before.There are currently some tourist project in the city where it is open for visitors to visit the catacomb in Jajce, where the Bosnian kings used to be and it is open for visitors to visit the fortress where you not only can look at the whole city of Jajce and the surrounding, you can also walk in the prison chambers where it used to be a prison in the fortress where there were prisoners.A hotel and supermarket have also been built in the city since the war, but the economy remains extremely weak. The waterfall in JajceThe town is also famous for its beautiful waterfall where the lake Pliva meets the river Vrbas. It was 30 meters high, but during the Bosnian war, the area was flooded and the waterfall is now 20 meters high. The flooding may have been due to an earthquake and/or attacks on the hydroelectric power plant further up the river.The roads and other infrastructure that connect Jajce to the villages surrounding it (part of the Jajce municipality) are in bad shape due to the wartime devastation.Jajce also lies near Pliva lake (Plivsko jezero) and the rivers Pliva and Vrbas flow through the city. Jajce has a rich history and many remains of old times like the St Luke church and the fortress. Jajce was always known for its rich history but it was in the year 2006 that the city was first nominated to be listed as a UNESCO heritage site. It may take some years or many years, but this is evidence that even UNESCO are looking at Jajce in their future plans, and maybe the city will be a UNESCO heritage site in a couple of years.Jajce is situated in the mountains, there is very beautiful countryside near the city of forested mountains, rivers like Vrbas and Pliva, lakes like Pliva lake and also a popular destination for the local people and perhaps some tourists, which is called Brana in the local language. When you travel through the mountain roads to the city, you may not feel very comfortable because the roads are in bad shape, but the scenery is just fantastic.You can see forested mountains, lakes like Pliva lake, rivers and high mountains. Not far from Jajce there are mountains that are over 2000 meters high like Vlasic near the city of Travnik.

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Jajce je prvi put sagrađeno u 14. vijeku kada je služilo kao glavni grad srednjovjekovne bosanske države. Grad je uz kapiju imao i veliki zamak. Za vrijeme otomanskog osvajanja Bosne, godine 1463., palo je i Jajce, ali su ga iste godile ponovno zauzeli Mađari.U tom periodu je gradom vladala posljednja bosanska kraljica Katarina, koja je dala sagraditi crkvu sv. Luke. Godine 1525. Jajce su konačno osvojili Turci.Otomanska vlast se, između ostalog, odrazila i u džamijama i drugim vrijednim kulturnim spomenicima.Jajce postaje važno historijsko mjesto za vrijeme drugog svjetskog rata, kada se u njemu održalo Drugo zasjedanje AVNOJ-a 29.11. 1943. Na tom zasjedanju su donesene važne odluke kojima je utemeljena buduća socijalistička Jugoslavija. U spomen tog događaja je SFRJ slavila Dan republike kao svoj najveći praznik.Na početku rata u BiH, Jajce je imalo značajnu stratešku ulogu kao raskrnica puteva, odnosno svojevrsna razdjelnica područja pod srpskom kontrolom na sjeveru, bošnjačkom na jugoistoku i hrvatskom na jugozapadu. Nakon što su u proljeće 1992. lokalni Srbi napustili grad, u ljeto 1992. je postao metom bombardiranja bosanskosprskih snaga. Nakon teških borbi u oktobru 1992. bosanskosrpske snage su osvojile Jajce, a lokalno hrvatsko i bošnjačko stanovništvo izbjeglo u obližnji Travnik. U ljeto 1995. Jajce su zauzele snage Hrvatske vojske, a poslije je Daytonskim sporazumom pripao Federaciji BiH.Geografija: Opština Jajce zauzima centralni dio Bosne i Hercegovine, odnosno zapadni dio Kantona Središnja Bosna s površinom od 377 km², s 11.426 prijeratnih domaćinstava ili ukupnog broja stanovnika od 43.007, odnosno sadašnjih 7.758 domaćinstava ili ukupnog broja sadašnjih stanovnika od 31.549.Teritorija Opštine graniči: na sjeveru s opštinama Travnik i Dobretići, na zapadu s opštinama Jezero, Šipovo i Mrkonjić Grad, koje pripadaju entitetu Republike Srpske i s južne strane s opštinom Donji Vakuf.Teritorija opštine je pretežno brdsko-planinskog karaktera, a prometno je povezana s ostalim dijelovima teritorije Bosne i Hercegovine magistralnim putevima M-5 i M-16.Klima je umjereno kontinentalna s toplim ljetima i snježnim zimama. Ovim područjem protiču rijeke Pliva i Vrbas s više pritoka, bogate plemenitom ribom, a 5 km od grada nalaze se Veliko i Malo plivsko jezero. Jezera su pogodna za sportove na vodi i na njima se održavaju veslačka i kajakaška takmičenja. Okolne planine, kojima dominira Suhi Vrh sa 1.431 metar nadmorske visine, obiluju crnogoričnim i bjelogoričnim šumama u kojima su raznovrsna divljač i ljekovito bilje, kao i tereni za zimske sportove.Grad Jajce nalazi se na obalama rijeka Pliva i Vrbas na sjevernoj geografskoj širini od 40°20..30.... i na istočnoj geografskoj dužini od 17°14..16..... Nadmorska visina na tvrđavi je 470 metara, na Plivskim jezerima 426,6, a na vodopadu 362,5 metara.

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