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About Me

TailWind Imaging is a photographic services company owned and operated by Jamie Taylor and Jackie Litwin. We are based out of Merrill, Wisc. but available for shooting assignments throughout the upper Midwest. We specialize in Portraits, weddings, event photography, photojournalism, public relations, sports and ESPECIALLY photographing musicians in the act of making music.A few samples of our work is in the "pics" area.Contact us at [email protected] to inquire as to our services or to request rate information. Our portfolio website is at you for considering us for your photographic needs.NOTE: I have been doing this for 32-plus years! I do NOT need "exposure" or the satisfaction of seeing my work credited online. What I want, is to be respected as the professional I am and paid for my work. My rates are reasonable and I am willing to negotiate to some extent. But FREE is not even on the table. What I bring is my skills and experience to make you look the best I possibly can. If you are a band hiring me, you also get my experience in the field of journalism and my eye for what editors are looking for in an image that rises above the rest on his or her desk and makes it into print.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A sample of a promotional poster we were hired to produce for a musician. The finished product was 42 inches tall by 28 inches wide with smaller sizes made for bar use. The unusual is our specialty!

My Blog

Help out a talented friend of mine!

Okay, youguys may have heard me rave about Shannon Curfman on here from time totime. She's a 23-year old blues guitar goddess who has been forced togo without a major label after her debut album made ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 10:03:00 GMT

Pick 10 images, RIGHT!!!!!!!

Getting ready to "audition" for Photoshelter, one of the premier online stock photography websites. Through there I can possible get my work licensed for use in magazines, books etc. But first I have ...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:19:00 GMT

A first for TailWind Imaging

I have never used the same artist as the "default image" on our profile three times in a row.But Annie Rose is not your ordinary singer.I had the opportunity to shoot her and her band in a much bigger...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 09:13:00 GMT

Why I LOVE Wisconsin--Reason 3,058 (and Counting)

Check out the new album in the Pics section entitled "Wildlife."That was a Bald Eagle we came across eating the remains of a deer that had been buried in a snow drift the plows had made. With the warm...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 17:46:00 GMT

Now Booking for Spring through early Fall 2008

TailWind Imaging is now taking bookings for Spring through Ealy Fall of 2008 in all areas of our specialties, portraits, weddings and musicians in performance.We are also pleased to announce that we a...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:56:00 GMT

Metal 4 Mutts and Howard, Irene and Peter images up

Yes, I know.I’m backlogged again!And less than a week to Blues Cafe, too.Going to get the shots from the three acts at the Metal 4 Mutts show that I shot up ASAP and then the take from the "Nigh...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:19:00 GMT

It’s OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After several turn downs, Jackie finally said yes and I slipped a diamond on her finger.Now to figure out when to actually do the deed.I want to get married on Halloween but she has pretty much nixed ...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 18:23:00 GMT

Nora Jean Bruso @ Big Bull Falls

Images of Nora Jean Bruso pertforming at Big Bull Falls Blues Fest are online at our commercial website at to get to the rest of those images later next w...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 09:34:00 GMT

We are NOT Naive, Please don’t EVEN Try one of these

Top 10 Lies told to Naive Photographers, Artists and Designers 1 "Do this one cheap (or free) and we'll make it up on the next one." No reputable business person would first give away their work and ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:04:00 GMT

Due to the "China Girls"

We have reset our privacy settings to having to know our email or last name to request a friend Add. We regret having to do this, but having to filter through 20-30 porn spammers a day got old.If you ...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:50:00 GMT