I'm Visa, it's short for Visakan, but everybody calls me Visa and you should too.
I have an excessively large, far-reaching and overused mouth which I am beginning to realise is beyond my control. I don't know what I'm going to do with it. It causes me alot of trouble.
I play the bass guitar with a passion. I want to make you dance.
I'm trying to learn music theory but I'm really bad at it. I write songs all the same. I can never decide whether melody should come before lyrics or the other way around.
I'm very absent-minded and forgetful, and I'm never satisfied with sticking to one thing for too long. I don't believe in horoscopes but I'm really a textbook gemini.
I live for those moments of raw intensity in live music that penetrate you in your heart and spread throughout your body and soul.
I want to inspire people the way others have inspired me before. It's my way of contributing to society and making the world a better place. If you think I've made a difference to you with my music or anything at all, then you've made a difference to me too. =)
Armchair Critic is my number one love that I sing, write and play bass for.
I am available as a freelance writer, model and a session bassist, so if you like my writing, my face or my bass playing, do hit me up and we can work something out!