I LoVe To PlaY DunGeonZ&DrAgoNz....I Am OnlY Two TiTleS AwAy FroM BeInG THe ChaMp....hahahah yeah Right!!! I LoVe TO StARe At THE WaLL And WaTch The RAIn FaLL....AnD Of COuRse My ProfEsSiOn...bAbYsIT ErrYboDYs KiDs....b-KuZ They ArE MiNe!!!!...uMMM...BasKEtbaLL is BASicLLy MaH LiFE...MaH FAMiLY ARe NuMBer oNE...VoLLEybaLL is KooL...i LOVE LiFE...JuNiOR iN hiGH schOOL...oNE MorE YeaR theNi GRaDUaTE!!!!heLL yeaH...I AlsO LoVe TO BaKE LiTTLe s aND tAke It The ReSt HoME....and THen EaT IT!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! FanKS Fo KuMmIng!!!!! ****OfA AtU'z*****
Ummmm....LeTS SEe...YouR MoMMA!!!!...You...Our fATheR And His Son iN HeaVeN...faMiLy...LiON...TiGEr...BeaR...oH MY...RoBErT NeSTA MarLEY...MARTiN LuTHer KiNG JR...FaMiLY iN heAveN...NeW FreNDs...KooL PeoPLe...KiK baK peePz...aLL dat gooD StuFF...MarViN gAye...J HoLiDDDDDDAY...COLuMbuS SHoRT...i LOVE you...ERRYONE...aNd tHeiR MoMMaZ...
I usually listen to techno.....thats how I get down and durtay.....hip hop and R&B.....Country musik.....Jesus take the Wheel.....BonE tHuGz!!!.......i gots to have da boney thigz playin b4 skool and after!!!!!...i Also LoVe ReGGaE....ErrYBoDY LuBs BoB MaRlEy......And some of the hymns ya kno....CaLLeD To SeRvE!!!..... and yes I am a child of god and I hope DaT dEy CaLL me on a MiSSion!!!
I love to watch Scary Movies... but my fave movies are Disney movies like Jungle Book and my all time Fave was Beauty and the Beast and of course tha Little Maremaid!! I espacially love to make vidoes of myself starring at teh wall....and then watching them watch myself watching the wall..
I usually watch thE spaNish Channel.... SI Signore... HAHAHAHAHA.....goin bak to your rootz.....I watch whateva is on and that is funny......or I will go and watch the rain fall......and gots to have da BET.....
KaT-iN-Da-KiNe-HaT.......Fo LiFe!!!!!!.....Da B.O.M (Book of mormon) FO LiFe.......I like to ReAd any Kine BooKs....but teh most i love to read ish..... YOU!!!!!! O YEAH!!!!! just kidding lets break it down....hmmmmm.....lets just say i read and leave it at that....
SHootz my heroes are of course my parents...MAH MOM for always bein there for us and mah dad!!!! they are the best parents in da world!!!! and for giving me life and all that jazz and also all my cuzins for just bein thurr even when I didnt want then to be and to my good friends thanks you big men!!!! and ALl of my family in CALI, TACOMA, LAIE, whereever all dem UNGAS are i love you guys and thanks for bein there!!!!