the only people for me are the mad ones. the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved. the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous roman candles exploding like fireworks across the sky. -kerouac
the strokes. voxtrot. adam green. vampire weekend. ben kweller. the svengalis. cajun dance party. arctic monkeys. hot chip. tom waits. belle and sebastian. noah and the whale. brazilian girls. belanova. feist. goldfrapp. new young pony club. the moldy peaches. primal scream. regina spektor. cat power. kimya dawson. fuzzbox. blondie. the clash. css. cold war kids. phoenix. the libertines. babyshambles. led zeppelin. moving units. david bowie. i was a cub scout. queen. the cars. elvis costello. elliot smith. patsy cline. lou reed. johnny cash. air. m.i.a. iggy pop. the kinks. john lennon. nirvana. super furry animals. nick drake. dios. sean lennon. the beatles. the ramones. my bloody valentine. wilco. beck. the cure. peaches. uffie. new order. blood red shoes. al green. nouvelle vague. cocorosie.
the graduate. superbad. the darjeeling limited. lost in translation. the life aquatic. igby goes down. goodbye lenin! the misfits. wayne's world. gardenstate. breakfast at tiffany's. spiderman 2. napoleon dynamite. the royal tenenbaums. detroit rock city. elf. coming to america. dazed and confused. juno
sanford and son. the wonder years. project runway. gilmore girls. gossip girl. that 70s show. flight of the conchords. sliders
vagabond by colette. the portable dorothy parker. the dharma bums by kerouac. the bell jar by sylvia plath.
my boyfriend: holding hands, inside jokes, lauren sandwich, juno soundtrack, weekend trips, completing each others sentences, perfect birthday cards, silly songs, beach cruiser partner, feeling loved always.