MySpace Graphics and MySpace Layouts
Greetings to everyone,I will get right to the point, I'm not your run of the mill type of female. I've been the swan and the ugly duckling in excalty that order. Through this adversity I have had character, boldness, wisdom, and understanding installed in me that I never experinced. I'm using this plattform to give my testominy, because if I don't tell on my self, people will believe lies. However, because of what I am going through I am more than a conqueror, I am a overcomer and I am a soul survoir. I use to think that my righteousness was sufficent until Father God showed me my righteousness was nothing but filthy rags before him. When you are faced with the reality of your faults being revealed to you and there is no way to ecsape, rejoice because God is preparing you for him self and your destiny. He is the Alfa and the Omega and He knows the beinginning from the end. My soul was saved when I accepted Jesus as my Lord, but my flesh is still in the process of obediences and righteouness. Pray for me! God is a healer and will turn what the adversary meant for evil into good. Through my trails I haved gained priceless quailties that are not easily earned. I'm thankful He sent his son Jesus to make me over and to create in me a right spirit and clean heart. It's worthless to be pretty and flawless on the outter man if your inner man is ugly and corrupt. The flesh will turn back into dust but the soul will bear the consequences of your unrighteouness forever, if you don't get right with Jesus. I thank the Lord for giving me a chance to get it right while it is still day out. My most current goal is to be prosperous in every sense of the word, Spirtitually, Physically, Financially, Emotionally, and Mentally. 2007 is the year of perfection, compeletness, and wholeness and I'm going to make it my reality.Please don't think me a hypocrite because my choice of music. First natual then spiritual, brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended... but I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I'm still pressing bear with me God will have to work it out. One last thing, I have to give a shot out to my mom she is my best friend and she has had my back through thick and thin. I have nothing but love for her!
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting