Obi Wan Kenobi profile picture

Obi Wan Kenobi

About Me

Hello, my friends you are proberly wanting to know all about me well, what can I say I've lived a long hard life. I grew up with out a father really except for Master Yoda who I learned to fight and when he had taught me all that he knew I became the padawan of Master Qui Gon Jin who trained me very well. After some time we traveled to Naboo where we had to save the queen from possible death and that was one hell of an escape I must say, but we succeeded. We ended up landing on Tatooine and that's where we met young Anikan Skywalker and Qui Gon said that he was the one to fullfill the prophecy. We then reached Coresant and we took young Anikan in front of the Jedi Council, but they refused to train him and so Qui Gon decided to train him and I got to take the Jedi Trials. When we returned to Naboo me and my master got into a fight with Darth Maul and I was lucky enough to defeat him, but my master died in the fight. So, Anikan became my first padawan. As we both got older we had to protect Padme who was the Queen of Naboo some time before. Eventually, I was sent away to find Count Dooku who was the next apprentice to Darth Sidious, but when I found him he kidnapped me and Anikan and Padme decided to come and rescue me, but we had to fight inorder to survive. We chased Dooku down and poor Anikan lost his hand in the fight, but thinks to Master Yoda who defeated Dooku we were able to live. Then the clone wars began and it was hard for me and Anikan, but we made it to the end and we had to rescue Senator Palpatine from Count Dooku. I don't know how Anikan defeated Dooku, but he did good for a padawan. Then Anikan got in really good with the Senator and was put onto the Jedi Council wich was a great honor, but I was then sent to find General Grevice (not sure of the spelling) who was trained in the way of using lightsabers. I defeated him and then my reinforcements tired to kill me and so, I and Master Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple where every jedi had been killed by Anikan and I stole away on Padme's ship in order to find him and when I did I defeated him and now I live on Tatooine where I watch over Luke his son. Eventully Luke got old enough to be trained and I took him as my second padawan hopeing that the dark side wouldn't get to him either, but I trained him and when I fought Darth Vader I passed away, so every one thought. I still help Luke and he defeated Darth Vader and the Empire. Then I was rose from the dead by my good friend Anikan Skywalker in order to watch over Luke and Leia and so here I am now. I am as you can tell quite old but I still have a strong connection to the force and, so I'm able to use it like I use to be able to. The dark side is sill around, but not as strong.

My Blog

To join the Jedi Council

Hello, my friends, I've been receiving request to join the Jedi Council, and to all of those who have tried have been denied. The reason for this is because I will only allow new members after they ha...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 20:02:00 GMT

I sense a distrubance in the force

My friends the council has done fairly well since it was created and now I feel the the Dark Side is growing extremely powerful and I need all of you to help me. If a fellow Council member sees this I...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:53:00 GMT

To become a council member

My friends the Jedi Council has decided that new members will be allowed in, but you must first become a Padawan to one of the current members. You will then advance to a Jedi Knight and then to a Mas...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Jun 2005 10:12:00 GMT

No more spots on the Jedi Council

My friends I'm glad to have to tell you that there is no more spots on the Jedi Council. We will have a vote on wether or not to allow other members into the council. The tenth member of the council i...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Jun 2005 10:46:00 GMT

The 8th and 9th members of the Jedi Council has been decided.

Hello, my friends I would like to inform you that Jess and Francisca have become the 8th and 9th members of the Jedi Council. There is only one more spot and after they have been decided only a vote m...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Jun 2005 19:12:00 GMT

The seventh member has been decided.

My friends I would like to inform you that Unclear Path has become the next member of the Jedi Council and that there is now only three places remaining on the council. May the force gu...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Jun 2005 15:46:00 GMT

It's an honor to join the Jedi, join the council now.

My friends the council is comeing together and I'm still quite short of members. If you would like to join the Jedi Council please ansewer these five questions. You only need to get three of them corr...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jun 2005 17:16:00 GMT

New member to the Jedi Council

My friends I would like to inform you that Ghandi has become the next member of the Jedi Council and that there is now only four places remaining on the council. May the force guide his actions and ma...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jun 2005 17:15:00 GMT

Become a Jedi and fight the Sith.

My friends there is still time to become a member of the Jedi Council and help me fight and defeat the sith. Please ansewer thesse five questions which you only need to have three correct ansewers: 1....
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jun 2005 16:35:00 GMT

5th member of the Jedi Council has been decided

My friends it has just been found that Mick Wood is going to be our next Jedi Council member. He has been one of my dearest freinds since I began this quest to defeat the dark side and I'm very gratef...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jun 2005 16:31:00 GMT