.....MIss fiRST LadY..... profile picture

.....MIss fiRST LadY.....

iTS ALL bECuZ Of yoU...i PRomiSE!!!!!!!

About Me

im a cosmo student at rcc....getting ready to graduate...i am also a ceritified make up artist.....i love love make up....im looking for a professional photographer to take pictures of my work.....and if u need ur make up done let me know....thank god....i love love love music, its my favorite thing to do, its relaxing and its motivating...i love my fro dawg...hes the bestest thing that has ever happend to me.....well that just a lil bit of info about me.......found this fashion layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

music, dance, sports, racing,make up its me favorite thing to do.....

I'd like to meet:

ive already met the person ive been searching the world for..........


got ne yo in the deck right now..but i love TI, pharell, JLO's my idol, just to name a few....


step up.......


i only read magazines......


my grandma "Mimi" R.I.P....and of course my momma.....