Everyone that is interested in a better healthier life
is an online natural Health magazine that help you learn a health way of life.
The latest recalls on toys and foods recalled from China are starting to make
people stand up and take notice. Recalls on products produced in China are at
an all time high. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and our families
when it comes to spending our money on anything.
Many well known companies are choosing to produce products overseas and
then have them shipped to the U.S. for purchase. However, there seems to be
no restrictions in other countries for producing these products and
consequently, cheaper quality is the result. China seems to be the recent leader
in lead based paint; that is being used to paint the toys that our children play
with, sleep with and chew on. Not only is it unsafe for the children that handle
these toys, but unsafe for the workers that make these toys as well.
Food Products have also been recalled from China. Laden with bacteria's that
make us sick or in some cases, death. Do we know what the restrictions are for
food shipped to the US? Do we know if there are any at all. So the media tells us
that the answer to those questions is NO. There are no restrictions on any
products coming to the USA from China and that can be dangerous.
Yes we are all, always looking to spend less on the items we purchase, but
perhaps we need to start purchasing the items that are tagged, MADE IN THE
USA. If America stands up to the plate, we will have safer toys and foods as well
as many more jobs for american workers.
We have the list of all childrens toys and other stuff .
you will be amazed at the size of this lists.
On our home page just click the recall page,At the top of the page is the link to two of the biggest recall list you have ever seen .http://www.ourplaceinnature.com