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About Me

Tanto tanto tempo fa....c'era una volta una bella ragazza di nome Mary una bella dama Irlandese.....che incontro il suo principe azzurro Toto; un valoroso e caro innamorarono.....e fecero una figlia....Vanessa (non sono io)......vanessa voleva una sorellina e cosi.......hehehehe per loro sfortuna dal forno usci una Valeria (si questa sono io) un po irrequieta un po maschiaccio......i primi anni li passavo a tormentare la vita dei miei genitori e a farmi coccolare ogni momento...ricambiando con strappi di baffi e come punizione.....Vanessa mi portava a spasso nei passeggini per bambole.......quando poi realizzai di essere femminuccia comincia con danza classica ^_^ e facevo la ballerina per la mia via ...saltellando in tutu su e giu e salutando tutti ^_^.......poi ovviamente non sto a descrivere il tutto nei dettagli...sono cresciuta.....^_^........passando dalle superiori in irlanda a Limerick vicino alla nonna e gli zii che sono di Co.Clare...Cliffs of MOHER..che magia...THE BURREN......studiato all universita di Dublin....nel Dublin Institute of Technology ^_^ a fare Product Design...e sperare che in un futuro potro fare la differenze di qualche individuo con i prodotti che innovero....^_^ eheheheheh non mando a fuoco qualche azienda prima per sbaglio no scherzoe ora lo traduco in mi ricordo cosa ho scritto....magari la versione e diversa ma la sostanza e quella...........Ciao a tuttti........Bacioni Valeria..................................................... ......................................................... A long long time ago....well...once upon a time...there was a lovely mary....a pretty irish lady...who met her prince charming...toto(con l'accento);....a valiant and nice sicilian man....they fell in love....and they had a daughter Vanessa (not me).......and vanessa wanted a little here i came fresh baked from the oven ^_^ they didit realise they just had a pest and boyish little girl who spent her first years making sure i keps everybody busy....but loved my hugs......loads of lovely memories...but i think my sister will remember me ripping hair out of her little head ^_^ hehehe woops....well vanessa punished me by carrying me around in buggies.....grrr....well...when i realised i was a little girl.....i went tu ballet classes....quie enjoyed it...bit stage shy hehehehe...little ball of fun for my teacher ehhehehe....SORRY.....anyway.....outside of ballet classes i made sure i entratained the street i lived in by jumping up and down the street in a tutu and saluting everybody who i cant write about all my life...i would need a typist....and an agent to sell the book ^_^ hehehehe ok lamo lamo sorry guys....anyhow....i grew up eheheheh went to boarding school near grannie and family (not my own..i mean cousins etc) in limerick (now crlarifying i have ennis co.clare origins....cliffs of moher....the burren....magical magical......limerick was my school.....(good times) .......then studied in Dublin the Dublin Institute of study product design...hoping that in the future i will improve some souls life with an innovative product i send into market with co workers ^_^ hehehehehe good hu well now that all that has been said i have no idea if i have left anything out...fell free to ask questions ^_^.......kisses Valeria

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I'd like to meet:

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I'd like to meet, Nelson Mandella, Leonardo Da Vinci, Renzo Piano, Harry Potter (the one in the book)and many many many many more (the list could get long), I'd say that it's not the amount of people I would like to meet, because there are many people that are behind the scenes making wonderful things happen, so I would like to meet them, and also, it's not who I would like to meet but rahter who inspires me, those that have triggerd my mind into working the way it does now. Those people who make the impossible possible, and those people that have changed history or have given something to the world we live in and made it better. What I mean is, I have a lot of people I would like to meet, not always I know the name and who they are, or not always these are known people in the world, but whoever they are they must know they have made an impact in my life and this I cherish and thank them for, and wish I could meet them and be Curious and ask them loads of questions and find out all the things I always asked myself about these people and what they do and how they do it....... I suppose that summes not to many names written down... BE AWARE...IT COULD BE YOU I'D LIKE TO matter who you are....everyone we meet ALWAYS makes an impact in our lives... ^_^ ps....I am human I may be wrong, but I like to think that this is true ^_^MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE

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