About Me
Click on The Picture!!!I hope your listening to the music that is being provided cuz that's what it's here for... to be listened to. So My Name IS Marcos it's just like Marco But with a S at the end i do feel the need to say that because people DON'T say my name right. I am 20 years old I'm a full time college student and i work retail aka PURE HELL. I'm up to the point in my life that i when i see something and i like it and i can afford it then i will buy it..of course i have to think it over twice to see if i really need it or if the money can be well put to use at another place in time...i am so glad that i can buy stuff with MY OWN money it feels so good.. My family and friends are the most important thing to me they hold the core to my existence in life and it is amazing that a kid like me can have such GREAT and Amazing people in my life i am so fortunate to have them in my life and i miss them so much since some of them moved away for college. I am a human person i do make mistakes I DO HATE …I feel that looks are not everything in this world to some people it is....to me it’s not...Well sometimes..hey I'm just being truth-full i can be vain, I do lie, I can be a narcissist (even though they are mildly the same thing) I can be racist we all are and if your not you are C3P0 so go back into space... i also love taking pictures all of the pictures that u see on this page WERE TAKEN BY ME im not a pro but its a thing i do on the side... AND if this is your first time on my page and you want to be my friend...i have to know you or you have to know my last name...sorry kids thats just the way it is...i dont have time for drama and kitty crap im 20 NOT 10... oh and I HATE Chinese slippers enough said...