Guam, family, friends, cooking, baking, karaoke-ing, internet/computers, web design, graphics, decorating, drawing, books, and photography/taking pictures! ( ).
Old and new friends/classmates/acquaintances ... people who I've come across in life but never got the chance to get to know better. :)
Anything really ... Depends on my mood.
Practical Magic, The Matrix Trilogy, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Butterfly Effect.
Heroes, House, Charmed, The 4400, The Food Network, Law & Order SVU, CSI, Without A Trace, Medical Investigation, Dead Zone, American Idol and a couple other reality tv shows.
A few classics like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and other required reading material you had in high school (some of them are actually pretty good) ... and the occasional mystery/suspense/horror novel or whatever's on the Bestseller list and sounds interesting. :)