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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

This is really hard to do on my own because my veiws about myself are probably biased so if you want to really know what kind of person I am just ask Buddha & Butch they will probably make me look bad but they are brothers from another mother so I trust their judgements!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ok I know that a lot of people say Hugh Hefner because of the young ladies he gets to sleep with and the kick ass parties he throws but if you have ever seen his A&E Biography you would totally understand why I want to meet him. Well for starters he started a multi-million dollar business with nothing in a hovel of an apartment and he stayed true to himself by never forgetting where he came from. He also stayed friends with the people that helped him become rich and famous....thats loyalty!!! He would also be a blast to meet cuz that old man has been pimpin before pimpin was pimpin!!! There you go I guess I can be shallow as well. George Lucas for creating the second and third greatest trilogies ever made. The second being the original Star Wars Trilogy (Episodes 4-6), and the third being the Indiana Jones Trilogy!!! Bruce Campbell (aka Brisco County Jr. aka Ash) for starring in the Evil Dead Trilogy the greatest trilogy ever made. Oh yeah look for the forth movie Evil Dead: Regeneration in production now. I would really like to meet Akira Toriyama the creator of DBZ and the producer of the hit series in Japan called Naruto. R.A. Salvatore for creating the greatest fantasy hero ever in Drizzt Do'Urden you can (if you read and are open minded) get to know this great character by reading the Icewind Dale Trilogy of books look for them at your local book store. Sean Connery for being my parents inspiration for my name!!! Stan "The Man" Lee for creating Marvel. Jenna Jamison for being in my opinion one of the sexiest women alive and never wavering from her sexual veiws on life and saying fuck political correctness!!! The original cast of Saturday Night Live, not now but back in the mid 70's when they first started the show, those fuckers really knew how to party!!! I promise you there are a lot more but I cant think of them now so I will add them when they come to mind :)

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