Such men where wanted, and such men where born; men of stone and doom, capable of sitting on horseback sixteen or seventeen hours, of going many days together without rest or food except by snatches, and with the speed and spring of a tiger in action; men not embarrassed by any scruples; gracious, instant, selfish, prudent, and of a perception which do not suffer itself to be baulked or misled by any pretences of others, or any superstition or any heat or haste of their own.
"Our hands of doom," they say "are not at the extremity of our arms, they are immediately connected with our heads". They respect the power of nature and fortune, and ascribe to it their superiority, instead of valuing themselves, like inferior men, on their opinionativeness, and waging war with nature.
Their favorite rhetoric lies in allusion to their doom; and they please themselves, as well as the people, when styling themselves the "Hands Of Doom". "They charge us," they say, "with the commission of great crimes: men of our stamp do not commit crimes".
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