About Me
Born in Volos, Greece, '82 (guess which century) currently in Birmingham, UK as an exchange student. I don't like the food here, apart from muffins, flapjacks and all these berries. I occasionally study computer science in Samos island, Greece. At 2002, a second hand gave me a bass guitar, I pulled its frets out in autumn 2004, and stopped playing for a year due to problems with my tendons. Since winter 2006, I've been messing around with assorted percussion, singing, keyboards, guitar, mouth-harp, fx... Actually whatever I find, I hit it, pluck it, shake it etc, till it makes a sound I like. If it is still functioning, I welcome it to my state-of-the-art home-studio.
I write songs on my own, following this funky fluffy solo carreer, whenever nothing much is going on with any band. Off course being in a band is always much more enjoyable, since music, unlike painting, is to be shared.
"?p??ß?te?", what? it doesn't show greek characters??? anyway, "Sleep-walkers", was written in summer 2006, in this state-of-the-art home-studio in Volos, Greece. The 3rd string of the acoustic guitar is loose, maybe someday I'll fix this bug. Till then please don't fall asleep.
"I I I!" is the first "song" I've ever recorded back in spring 2004, in Samos island, where my home-studio was, before it followed me to Volos. A bass line was changed two years later, and an intro part was added and again deleted. I I I! is the way a lunatic person used to laugh, as we were playing, when we were kids. I started programming drums for a song, but it ended up as a stand-alone song itself. It is following what I call "a spontaneous linear with random elements" song structure and it reveals my immense maturity.
"Weather Whatever" is a song about the randomly changing weather at Karlovassi town Samos isola, Grecia. Don't remember when I wrote it. Around 2005. It is following the song structure of "I I I!" Lyrics and some other stuff were added in spring 2006, explaining how the weather and my personality are bonded. Note: I hate drum machines/programmed drums, but they are more stable than me.