Stephanie profile picture


About Me

OK, OK...after how many comments bugging me to update my profile, I'm finally listening to my cousin! I guess I'm just not one who likes to sit down and write about myself...what can I say?!?
The most important part of my life is my relationship with the Lord. I am a strong Christian and have definitely been challenged over the past few years! I am now going to Solid Rock Fellowship and plugging in with an awesome group of friends! I love it!!!
My family is definitely a huge part of my life, both my immediate and extended family. My younger sister Meagan got married over a year ago! Crazy! And I've got cousins all over the US and the world...I love visiting and keeping in touch with all of them!
After spending my entire life in school, I graduated in 2006 from Pacific University and joined the "real world." I'm living with 3 awesome girls in a house in southwest Portland. I pay the bills as a Physical Therapist at Providence working with kids. You gotta love a job where you play with kids all day :)
And with all my free time after church, family and work....I watch sports! Mostly college football, which is my favorite. But I'll watch almost anything. I've got season tickets to OSU football...GO BEAVS!!!
Well, that pretty much sums up my life right now. There you go Emily...the update you've been waiting for :)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, President Bush, Heroes of WWII...and many more

My Blog

Martha and Mary

"Remember what happened to Mary and Martha.  Their brother died.  He had been their sole support.  Jesus came too late.  The account reads as follows (John 11:5-6, 21, 32, 15, NIV)...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 13:50:00 GMT

Trusting the Lord

I have been taught a lot about trusting the Lord over the past few weeks.  It can be a very painful, confusing and wonderful thing.  I have been reading a few different books and devotions a...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 21:55:00 GMT