Psychadelic Mess ♥ profile picture

Psychadelic Mess ♥


About Me

live fast die pretty..xox
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI never did like heights but baby you make the fall look so appealing.. Uhm the names kirsten You can call me special k or kirseyy Partying and music is all i need to get by Everyone knows of me Nobody really knows me Im a pretty laid back bitch Im down for anything I get pissed easily but forgive fast I hearttt rollercoatsters Im hated more than im loved Im real as fuck and tell it how it is I adore my real friends Theyre fucking hotter than your friends Fuck the rest i roll wit the best
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I keep my heart small Cuz honestly, id rather hurt someone than hurt myself So im told im random You will either love me or hate me Lolipops and eyeliner are amazing No i dont believe in god No i dont worship the devil Id choose physical pain over emotional pain anydayy Im not close to anyone Nobodys always gonna be there Nothing will last in this life little known fact. Dont believe what you heard, get to know me I dont give a fuck what you think I adore the smell of windex and salons I wanna be a cosmotologist I try to be nice but fail alot at that one Love is great while it lasts but it wont last forever Everythings meant to be broken darling I can effin live off cherry coughdrops Ive been growling at people before it was cool Im a crrrazy bitch =] I say the thoughts youre too scared to express I dont give a fuck about anything,really. But i am verry emotional, if that makes sense I cry over everything and laugh at nothing I do what i want nigs. All i want is to know i mean something to anyone I have many regrets Im not too good at learning lessons Ill be friends with anyone whose rad and can have fun Scumbag is my favoritist word
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Your Theme Song is Fight for Your Right by the Beastie Boys
"Your mom busted in and said, "What's that noise?"
Aw, mom you're just jealous - it's the Beastie Boys!"
You love to party hard and cause a little trouble...
And you're too busy getting wasted to move out of your parents' house! What's Your Theme Song?

MySpace Cursors
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: kirsten bitchh
Date of Birth: june 30th
Birthplace: easton
Current Location: nazo
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'7
Heritage: german pa dutch
Piercings: tongue nose ears
Tattoos: pink and black nautical star
Band/Singer: NIRVANA
Song: far behind ~ candlebox
Movie: alot
Disney Movie: alice in wonderland
TV show: simple life
Color: pink
Food: pizza
Pizza topping: mushroom
Ice-Cream Flavor: vanilla wit rainbow sprinkles
Drink (alcoholic): vodka
Soda: 7 up
Store: spensers and hot topic
Clothing Brand: whatever
Shoe Brand: etnies
Season: summer babe
Month: june
Holiday/Festival: new years eve
Flower: black and white roses
Make-Up Item: eyeliner or mascara
Board game: CANDYLAND
This or That
Sunny or rainy: rain durr
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: NIGHT
Sour or sweet: sour
Love or money: MONEY! fuck love
Phone or in person: depends who it is
Looks or personality: both
Coffee or tea: coffee
Hot or cold: hott darling
Goal for this year: who gives a fuck
Most missed memory: annie
Best physical feature: you tell me ;)
First thought waking up: fuckin sun sucks
Hypothetical personality disorder: not hypothetically speaking i have ocd like a motherfucker
Preferred type of plastic surgery: idontknow. never got surgery of any sort
Sesame street alter ego: uhm
Fairytale alter ego: uhh..
Most stupid remark: i make alot of them
Worst crime: haha..
Greatest ambition: hm?
Greatest fear: spiders/rejection/losing someone i love
Darkest secret: if i told you it wouldnt be a secret silly
Favorite subject: i graduated slut
Strangest received gift: i have noo clue
Worst habit: getting too attached
Do You:
Smoke: yupp gross i know
Drink: hell yes
Curse: fuck no
Shower daily: ew now thatd just be gross
Like thunderstorms: lovez them
Dance in the rain: sure why not
Sing: sadly
Play an instrument: nope but save a drum bang a drummer ;)
Get along with your parents: not so much
Wish on stars: sweetie wishes dont come true
Believe in fate: not really
Believe in love at first sight: FUCK THIS FUCKING QUESTION
Can You:
Drive: yes
Sew: nope
Cook: eh a little bit
Speak another language: i speak a little german
Dance: chyeahh!
Sing: i can but i dont do it well ha
Touch your nose with your tongue: no
Whistle: yerrp
Curl your tongue: nope i have no skills
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: haha
Been Stoned/High: hahahaa
Eaten Sushi: ew noo
Been in Love: yeah
Skipped school: yes and got a month of saturday detentions for it
Made prank calls: ask nick =)
Sent someone a love letter: naww son
Stolen something: yess
Cried yourself to sleep: yeh
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? lying lying LYING! and being fake
Are you right or left handed? rightyy hurr
What is your bedtime? whenever i damn well please
Name three things you can't live without: music friends cigarettes
What is the color of your room? white but i got pics everywherre
Do you have any siblings? yes 2 brothers
Do you have any pets? yupp sassy
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? id kill someone i hated for free
What is you middle name? nicole
What are you nicknames? special k kirsey whatever the fuck u wanna call me i dont care
Are you for or against gay marriage? i dont give a fuck has no effect on me
What are your thoughts ..ion? jesus fucking christ i dont care
Do you have a crush on anyone? nope
Are you afraid of the dark? no i
How do you want to die? drug overdose
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? idontknow. prolly alot they kick ass
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? definitely
What is the last law you’ve broken? stealing
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: black or brown
Eye color: brown
Height taller than me
Weight not anorexically skinny but not morbidly obese
Most important physical feature: eyes
Biggest turn-off lying!
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Social Distortion Lyrics ..

My Interests

ROCK!!! ~ piercings ~ tattoos ~ guitars ~ shows ~ TOMMY LEE!!!!!!!! ~ marijuana ~ alchohol ~ guyz ~ ur mom ~i fucking adore my friends
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I'd like to meet:


Nirvana ~ Guns N Roses ~ Korn ~ Marilyn Manson ~ Pink Floyd ~ Senses Fail ~ Skynyrd ~ Motley Crue ~ Sublime ~ ACDC ~ TOM PETTY ~ Doors ~ The Beatles ~ Metallica ~ Alice in Chains ~ Atreyu ~ Static Lullaby ~ The Used and the list goes on music is pretty much life
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Almost Famous ~ The Notebook~ Coyote Ugly~ The Butterfly Effect ~ Save the Last Dance ~ Jackass ~ Rock Star ~ How High ~ Girl Next Door ~ Texas Chainsaw Massacre ~ Thirteen ~ Wasted ~ Bruce Almighty ~ Billy Madison ~ Big Daddy ~ Without a Paddle ~ THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER OWNS UR MOM


simple life
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go ask alice, perks of being a wallflower, smack, crank


kurt cobain jim morrison john lennon
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My Blog


~ "People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught t...
Posted by Psychadelic Mess ♥ on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:47:00 PST


I remember the very very first timeI smoked dmtThis is your last chanceAfter this,There is no turning backYou take the blue pillThe story endsAnd believe whatever you want to believeYou take...
Posted by Psychadelic Mess ♥ on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:03:00 PST

simply amazing<3 i promise just read it all

once on a yellow piece of paper, he wrote a poem and he called it "chops" because that was the name of his dog. and that's what it was about and his teacher gave him an A and a gold star and his mothe...
Posted by Psychadelic Mess ♥ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 10:56:00 PST

This is my love song --It goes like this..

That's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow When you swallow it all wallow and drown in your sorrow And tomorrow you're probably going to want to do it again What's a little spinal fluid between you...
Posted by Psychadelic Mess ♥ on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:50:00 PST

Nickkky ♥

Nick is my best friend ever so thats why im writing this for everyone to see how amazing she really is nikki i love you ur always there for me when noone else is and u can make me happy when i never t...
Posted by Psychadelic Mess ♥ on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 04:09:00 PST