Mikael Grahn profile picture

Mikael Grahn

About Me

MIKAEL GRAHN is a performer born and currently living in Sweden.He is well-known inside the swedish music business. He has been performing for nearly twenty years and has a vast experience of the stage. He has done musicals (Fame, ABBA the true story, Sol Vind och Vatten) tv (Fame Factory) shows (Peter Flack, Stefan & Krister, Wallmans Salonger) and is a well known performer in the companycircuit (working with all the major swedish companies and several international)He is also a singer in the established big Band "Ambassadeurs", which among other significant performances has been entertaining the audience and the winners of "THE NOBEL PRIZE" for several years.Mikael Grahn is also a producer and director. Among other things he has had a close collaberation with Wallmans Salonger during the years.Currently he is working part time as a singer in Wallmans Salonger Stockholm, and is preparing to produce a new show there this coming fall. Get this FREE MySpace layout and more at MySpaceOrYours.net

My Interests


Member Since: 04/05/2007
Influences: Sammy Davis Jr, Whitney Houston, Robbie Williams, Thicke, Daniel Beddingfield, Engelbert Humperdinck, French&Saunders, Ian Moore, Boz Scaggs.....
Sounds Like: I sound like nobody and nobody sounds like me...smile
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

how does it work...

Okey, I admit, summer is here and love is in the air and I want it too!! And I am a fool not to accept that it is important to me. Someone to go to the beach with, someone to hold hands with when the ...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 06:19:00 GMT

Kreativ rush

Så ska man då skapa en show till höstens tältscen på Wallmans. Otroligt hur många spår man vandrar som leder helt åt helsicke...ler O hur få spår som i slutändan blir ett nummer. Och nu börjar dessuto...
Posted by on Wed, 16 May 2007 13:18:00 GMT

To stay where you are...

Last week I was offered a quite tempting job in the southern part of sweden. It was a lead in a production during this coming fall. It is so funny, everytime I decide to go a certain path in life, the...
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 05:03:00 GMT