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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Thanks for visiting. My name is Mike Kivinen. Based in Wyoming, Michigan, I am a counseling psychologist, a certified hypnotherapist, and a member of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®. My Master's degree is in Counseling Psychology. My previous professional experience in social work and psychology includes vocational, mental health, and addictions counseling.

Hypnosis is a powerful, holistic means of tapping into your inner resources for healing and goal attainment. A few (of many) areas in which hypnosis is especially helpful are: stress and anxiety management, eliminating fears and phobias (including panic attacks), insomnia relief, habit control, and medically unexplained illnesses.

If there are concerns you wish to resolve and you wonder how hypnosis helps, please contact me at Holistic Hypnosis Services: phone number (616) 308-9312; new e-mail address [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you. However, communicating with me through MySpace in no way implies that we have established a professional or therapeutic relationship unless we formally and explicitly agree to do so. Opinions expressed on this page are not intended as substitutes for medical or psychological consultation.

For Contact Information Click on Business Card

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Living: Roger Woolger, Gerald F. Kein, Gareth Knight, Robert Moss, Leonard Cohen, Charles Tart, George Noory, Stanislav Grof, Stephan A. Hoeller, Stephen C. Parkhill, Woody Allen, Chan Marshall, Brian Weiss, Hans Ten Dam, Yonasson Gershom, The casts of The Office, and Curb Your Enthusiasm, You.

Dead: C. G. Jung, Hermann Hesse, George Harrison, Blind Willie McTell, Dion Fortune, Karen Horney, John Mack, James A. Pike, Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite, A.E. (George Russell), Johnny Cash, Leslie LeCron, David B. Cheek, Dave Elman, Meister Eckhart, E. Arthur Winkler, Sylvan Muldoon, G. H. Estabrooks, Eileen Garrett, F. W. H. Myers, Abraham Lincoln, Alan W. Watts, Sandy Denny, Paul Foster Case, Blind Willie Johnson.

Cosmic: Jesus, Zoroaster.

My Blog

Reincarnation and Past Life Therapy Bibliography

     You may have read a blog I posted a little over a year ago entitled "Coming to Terms With Past Life Regression." That piece also appeared in the November/December 2007 issue of Subconsciously Spe...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 18:09:00 GMT

Posttraumatic Stress and Addiction

The following piece is an adaptation of a short article I submitted to an upcoming issue of a monthly, Grand Rapids, MI-based newspaper that targets the addiction recovery community. My understanding ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 18:15:00 GMT

On The Relaxation Response

       This is a revision of an earlier, since-deleted post. I was pleased to see (but have yet to read) a newly expanded edition of Dr. Benson's landmark work, The Relaxation Response, on shelf at my...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:37:00 GMT

A Television Appearance

I appeared on TV today, not as Holistic Hypnosis Services, but rather as Mike Kivinen, counseling psychologist who works at an addiction treatment center in Grand Rapids, MI.  (Even so, there was stil...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 20:06:00 GMT

A Review of Roy Hunters Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution

     Like the ego state therapy I discussed in an earlier blog entry, parts therapy "is based on the concept that our personality is composed of a number of various parts. Our pers...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jan 2009 00:24:00 GMT

In Praise of John Fahey

This entry has nothing to do with hypnosis or Holistic Hypnosis Services, but it's a seasonal change of pace. Last night, while decorating the Christmas tree with family (we're running late this year!...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 13:53:00 GMT

Holistic Hypnosis Services' New Brochure - Revised!

The most significant change from the version I posted a few weeks ago is the 'How else does hypnosis help?' section. As usual, I welcome your comments. mkk What is hypnosis? The word hypnosis c...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:44:00 GMT

Dr. Howard Brody on the Placebo Effect

Dr. Howard Brody's syndicated column in the 12/26/2006 Grand Rapids Press bore the arresting headline, "Today's 'Well, duh' Headline: The Placebo Effect is Real." He discussed the curious fact th...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 06:55:00 GMT

A Draft of Holistic Hypnosis Services New Brochure

Having grown tired of the IMDHA® "Hypnosis Works" brochure I've been handing out to prospective clients, I decided to write something else. What follows is a draft of my new brochure.&n...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 20:15:00 GMT

Ego State Therapy

(c) 2008 Michael K. Kivinen, M.A., L.L.P., C.Ht.      Has your own behavior ever surprised or perplexed you? Have you experienced disproportionately intense reactions to pers...
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:31:00 GMT