Sean Stubblefield profile picture

Sean Stubblefield

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

:::be it known::: I have created a BLOG to feature independent artists who impress me, deserve attention.
*Follow the bird into my sci-fi Flash Twitter-fic project*
But The Owl Knows:
Science fiction short story anthology, featuring original and obscure material from writers and non-writers-- in words and in pictures (including several of mine). Stories for this project were deliberately chosen by me and volunteered from “amateur”, or relatively “unknown” or otherwise unpublished contributors that merit an audience, in support of original science fiction and
All profits will be donated to charity, so the anthology is essentially FREE.
Beautiful cover art is kindly provided by wild life activist and remarkably talented artist Rebecca Latham, of Latham Studios .
145 pages
6x9 paperback
e-book download $15
Read the first 10 pages and back cover from each book for free, when you click the "buy now" buttons.
(Legal jack-assery: this project and its participants are not in any way affiliated with or sponsored by
Media Is The Masses:
$16.99 (click buy now button for a look inside)
287 pages
soft cover/ 6x9
e-book download $7
The title is a play on words deriving from the book's inspiration: Marshall McLuhan, the media and communications theorist who originated the phrase "The medium is the message".
These articles comment on the subject of interactions between Man and media.
A collection of material from a weekly column during 2008, and various media related articles written between 2005 and 2008, posted at The Student Operated Press
Scroll down left side for The Philosophy Trilogy- Paradox; Afterword; Whatever.
CLICK HERE for my audio interview on the American Perspective Radio Program... regarding the first book in The Philosophy Trilogy, Paradox: Journey Inside Out
send me email: [email protected]
Click here to see my photo gallery
Auxiliary gallery with photo manipulations:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Independent film maker Jessica Mae Stover is inviting
sci-fi/fantasy movie fans to participate in a movie making experience by supporting the production of Artemis Eternal: a visionary sci-fi short film project that is community funded/ promoted, and defies the status quo in how movies are made.

The story of the film is about questioning what society expects of you and what we accept as normal. Everything we're doing around the film fits and explores that theme.

Robot Ninja Wingman promotes Artemis Eternal sci-fi short film project (awesome)---

»-(¯..v..¯)-» «-(¯..v..¯)-«

Rachael Cook

Batman ...Bat In The Sun
Dark Knight ...Collora Studios
Detective ...World's Finest

My Blog

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