[nost8ment] profile picture


Its all the same... it never ENDS.

About Me

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto - kun.com

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
*http://www.myspace.com/imunky7. Its where my music be* I want you all go be on the lookout for this name: Morningface. We rock hard as hell, we dont hold back for shit, and we bring it 110%. We've come to shake shit up, and thats exactly what we are going to do.Neil - Guitfilldin' and vox
Chuck - Basslinin' and vox
Brian - Kickin'
Raven - Voxalizin' and spasmsKeep one eye open when you sleep. That way you wont be so surprised when you wake up to MorningFace. Wanna email me personally? Try [email protected]. Im told it works.I like things. I like intelligence, and comedy... I like open mindedness and smiles. Sunny days, a pretty set of eyes, hell... maybe a blunt or few. I like conversationalists, you know... people that wont start talking to you and then expect you to just entertain them? Yea, those. I like beaches and animals, all except that damned three-toed sloth. Slow bitch. I like ice cream, I like latin women... I like the combination of those last two. And the color red. Mmmm... *record scratch* Anyways, yea... latin women. Lovers them. I like adult cartoon shows, like Family Guy, South Park, Futurama and their ilk. I like spending time with people I feel are smarter than me so that I may learn more myself. I like food and sex, but not eating food while having sex. Yes, I have been asked about that... no it did not happen. I like thought, and the sharing thereof. Idea people are always a plus. I like a good plate of spaghetti and meatballs, or maybe some chicken and noodles. Some ramen and anime is a night upon nights. I like helping others with their romantic lives, and training myself to be a much better person than I was slated to be.I am not quite misogynistic, but I do hate these types of ladies:
Lying, overtly-flirtatious and deceptive women
Stupid girls [and no, not because of Pink. Yaro...]
Stuck up prissy and high maintenance women
Fear addled [controlled by arbitrary and often irrational thoughts] women
Manipulative, mischevious amd selfish women
Desperate housewives [the show, the person... what have you]
'Small screen bitches', or those who put too much stock in what goes on in a television or movie drama, and tries to project that into real life situations
Wiggahoes, or white girls that swear up and down they are black [get a mirror]
Blondes [too many bad experiences, not enough apologizing]
Aside from all that, I do not particularly like the NeoCons [new conservatives; Republicans]. Far too decietful, even for politics. I am not fond of the Democrats because I generally dont like invertebrates. I do not like emo people, and its a rare occasion when I like emo music. I think there's just that one song I do like... maybe two. I do not like the objectification of women, or the form of music that makes millions from it. Reality television is a no, as are primetime dramas and soap operas. They distort what love actually is into a greasy lensed view of how things go in the real world. Oh yea. I dont like the Real World either. Or Road Rules. Or MTV in general since its became RealityTV. I do not like pop divas, or misuse of the word 'diva' [the women who pioneered the phrase paid DUES, son. Britney Spears was just a rich white girl who was sold to the world.] I dont like close minded thinkers, and at the moment, religious groups that like to create the problems they complain about, or even mispresent facts about themselves and the real world to get the things they want. I hate being used, and I hate being told things and not seeing the backup. I do not like the unoriginal, and I do not enjoy the presence of fake people. I hate people that say that you shouldnt think about things that happen in the world. You people suck eggs. And are lazy wastes of brain cells. I hate stuck up white people in general and black people who scream racism while doing it all the time themselves. I hate that feigned code of blackness thats always used on me [what, a nigga cant play guitar, black ppl? Grow the fuck up...] I hate all the loose interpretations of the word love, and I hate the girls that constantly switch that around to their advantage or pleasure.
Oh yes... and I hate rednecks. And Texas.One Of My OwnFrienemy 07.25.2006Faces coloured with the insincere
Spoken well before you
Behind you, the colors changeSetting up to look down
Self assured, self absorbed
Hands extend with intentions
To lift themselves aboveStep on your face as they step up
[show me your face]
Step on your face as they step up
[show me your face]Lying smiles about me
I cant take this, I wont face these
Lying smiles about me now
Oh, I cant take this anymoreStep on your face as they step up
[show me your face]
Step on your face as they step up
[show me your face]Ally, adversary, one
Ally, adversary, one
Ally, adversary, oneStep on your face as they step up
[show me your face]
Step on your face as they step up
[show me your face]
Step on your face as they step up
[show me your face]
Step on your face as they step upLying smiles about me
I cant take this, I wont face these
Lying smiles about me now
Oh, I cant take this anymoreAlly, a lie
Ally, a lie
Ally a lie
Ally, a lie[watch them closely]
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style?
Who Should Paint You: M.C. Escher
Open and raw, you would let your true self show for your portrait.
And even if your painting turned out a bit dark, it would be honest. What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?

My Interests

Im really interested in guitar. Also, I rather enjoy a nice guitar. Oh, and guitars are really nice too.And if by some flaw of nature, some universal anomie... there's no guitar involved, I am interested in:Chrislena Regina Welch
The band [MorningFace]
Helping People
My Friends
The World
Anime And Cartoons
People's Minds
Sex [BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY! YEEA, BOI!!- The Critic, circa 1994]
Meetin' Folk
The Unordinary
Comedy And Funny Business
Animals And Nature
Ice Cream
Bettering The Self
Non-Music Related Arts [tho I'll still find a melody somehow..]
and Marijuana [guitar inherent in this]
Get this video and more at MySpace.com

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to start off by meeting the impossible. The thought provoked dreamers of our day. The strong women of yesteryear, the proud men of yore. Those who dare to be more. Those who reach for truth, those who think, and therefore, am. After that, I guess everyone else will do.The Motherfucking Krew @420. Respect, Bitches.The Ladies Who've Touched My Existance:This here is the UnComment Box. So leave something uncommon, or talk about something uncommented on. Or, as everyone else says 'show me love'.

You Are 36% Addicted to Myspace
Your Myspace addiction factor is: Low

You're a typical casual Myspace user... you know what it's all about, but you haven't been sucked in (yet)! Are You Addicted to Myspace?I am 25% Emo.
.. Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks. Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotComI am 61% Evil Genius.
.. Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings. Take the
Evil Genius Test
@ FualiDotComI am 58% Metal Head.
.. I rock just as hard as the rest of the thrash set, except when no ones looking I like to get down with a little "More than a Feeling." Take the
Metal Head Test
@ FualiDotCom


*CumBreath, by Me* Korn. Swift. System Of A Down. Deftones. Staind. Slipknot. Taproot. Nirvana. Killswitch Engage. Sevendust. Black Ritual. Finger Eleven. Nirvana. The Toadies. Kottonmouth Kings. DMX. Emin3m. Nas. Pantera. MC Solaar. AFI's older stuff. Dr. Dre. Snoop's early shit. Pac and Bigg. Disturbed. NoFX. Papa Roach's earlier stuff. Pearl Jam. POTUSA. Prince. Queens Of The Stone Age. Rage Against The Machine. Foo Fighters. Green Day's EARLIER stuff. Fugees. Goodie Mob. Mobb Deep's early shit. Hendrix. Led Zepplin. Jefferson Airplane. Linkin Park except Reanimation. Ludacris. Wu Tang Clan. Weird Al. Tenacious D. Sublime. Sum 41. Static X. Soulfly. Snot. Smashing Pumpkins' early work. Shakkazombie. Puffy Ami Yumi. And definitely not least... my Tejano goddess Selena.


The Movie Of Your Life Is Film Noir
So what if you're a little nihilistic at times?
Life with meaning is highly over-rated.

Your best movie matches: Sin City, L. A. Confidential, Blade Runner If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?


You are 87% Scorpio
How Scorpio Are You?


Gary Forsyth, Mikey Gentle, LaJon from Sevendust, Corey Taylor, Zach De La Rocha, Tom Morello when he was in Rage Against The Machine, Jaime King, James Schaffer, Daron Malakian, Serj Tankian, 2Pac, KRS-One, basically any intelligent rapper who can actually rap [the few there may be], Dave Chapelle, MLK, [collectives]: Swift, System Of A Down, School For Heroes, Korn, Sevendust, Rage Against The Machine, and ANYONE NOT AFRAID TO SHOW INTELLIGENCE.I must also add single mothers, honest men who dont hit women, politicians with integrity [we'll find one yet, dammit!] people who stand up for themselves or something they believe in, black people who arent caged by the constricing walls of both 'their' subculture and the taunts of others for being different, white people who see past color to the true human inside, people who overcome obstacles, common sense, anyone who breaks barriers down, teachers who teach even tho they face adversity from their own students, people who dont let money change them, and anyone who's willing to give all of themselves to help a friend.

My Blog

A Qwikie

The intellectual brainstew is bubbling. Expect a flow of actual blogs at some point. Many topics, for many things are both at high notice and newly percieved. You know... I think I figured something o...
Posted by [rock] on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 04:39:00 PST

Me Going BLAH

Hmm.. curiously short blog. Fire & Ice show picatures a-comin' soon. Soon as I scan em, anyways. Also, thoughts which have been provoked in the last month or so. More of em. You know how these th...
Posted by [rock] on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:50:00 PST

Duality Intrigue

At times I feel unstoppable. Other times I feel like my path has been destroyed. And Im stuck wondering how this can be. Having let my better judgement be overridden to make Lena happy may have resu...
Posted by [rock] on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:44:00 PST

The Saddle

Guess who's back. Ima say this: I feel real good about 2007. FIRST day back at work, I get a promotion. Small promotion, but its the beginning of that larger promotion deal I'll see coming laterz. Pre...
Posted by [rock] on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST

No Words Do Justice

The end of yet another year. The changes? MorningFace currently has no guitarist. Neil left to pursue his other projects he decided to pick up. So until we find an able ax-handler, I'll have to pull ...
Posted by [rock] on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 03:29:00 PST


The first show with the band happened Sunday night around 10pm at Fire And Ice. I tells ya, it was grand getting to perform again, and especially doing music I love. Everything leading up to it had me...
Posted by [rock] on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:03:00 PST

Cluttered And Frustrated

Got offa work like mad early today. 3:35, son! We threw up like 110,000 packages, but that fast?! I say gat DAYUM. I was hustlin, tho. Side 6 [the #1 side ownin all them FedEx fools], Side 1 and Side ...
Posted by [rock] on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:42:00 PST

Motivation [Hataz Get On Ya Job]

I aint done this in a minute. And I got TONS to say, son, like... fuckin for real. More than what you'll read here. Left and RIGHT lately muthafuckas have just been.... I can barely write how to descr...
Posted by [rock] on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:42:00 PST


I must have a problem. Everytime some fucked up shit happens, a fucked up song appears. This time aint no different. Who knows what miasma is? I kno, but I dont feel like typin out the definition...
Posted by [rock] on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 02:41:00 PST


Ok, so NOW I think Ive had about enough. Im used to having shit thrown my way, I'll be honest. My life aint no cakewalk, not by a long shot. Something is always around the bend, and chances are... it ...
Posted by [rock] on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:46:00 PST