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Dan I.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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Ok...new profile. A little bit about me. I am 28 y/o and for the most part, an all around good guy. Family and friends are the most important part of my life. I have a great boyfriend, Alain, so all in all, I think my life is pretty good right now. Like a lot of people, I am still trying to find my place in this world when it comes to occupation. I have recently decided to go back to school, so at least i am on the right track. Meeting new people and making new friends is what life is all about. I will say that the friends I have will be my friends forever. I would do anything for them, and i know they would do the same for me.

My Interests

Lots of things interest me. Ask me and i will tell you more.

I'd like to meet:

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Ghandi, Marie Antoinette (that bitch looks like fun), Madonna, Janet Jackson, Nelson Mandela, David Beckham (speaks for itself).MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE


If the music has a good beat or a good message, chances are i listen to it. Music usually helps me work through my moods. U can always find a song that fits your mood, or one that expresses exactly what you are feeling.


I LOVE movies. ALL of them. Horror is my favorite though.


American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, House, Bones, Will & Grace, and Without a Trace.


Hero... this is a tough one. My mom i would say is one of the biggest. I have seen her overcome so many struggles in her life that i know no matter how hard things get for me, if i have half the heart she does nothing will stand in my way.Also the friends who are there for me through thick and thin... the ones i have cried with and laughed with and know me sometimes better than i know myself...they are my heroes. They are few and far between but the ones that are there will be there forever.

My Blog

Starting over.

For the past few months, life has pretty much sucked.  I sit at home with my dog and watch reruns on TV, because I feel sorry for myself.  Things haven't gone my way for some time.  See...
Posted by Dan I. on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST


REMEMBER WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  you are reading this and you know me, reply to this blog with a memory of me and you.  It doesn't have to be recent...just something you remember us sha...
Posted by Dan I. on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:57:00 PST

Things to think about.

Ok, so i have never written a blog before but i guess what its all about is saying whats on your mind and seeing who agrees and/or disagrees with you.  So here i go.  I am at a point in my l...
Posted by Dan I. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST