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Ghandi, Marie Antoinette (that bitch looks like fun), Madonna, Janet Jackson, Nelson Mandela, David Beckham (speaks for itself).MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE
If the music has a good beat or a good message, chances are i listen to it. Music usually helps me work through my moods. U can always find a song that fits your mood, or one that expresses exactly what you are feeling.
I LOVE movies. ALL of them. Horror is my favorite though.
American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, House, Bones, Will & Grace, and Without a Trace.
Hero... this is a tough one. My mom i would say is one of the biggest. I have seen her overcome so many struggles in her life that i know no matter how hard things get for me, if i have half the heart she does nothing will stand in my way.Also the friends who are there for me through thick and thin... the ones i have cried with and laughed with and know me sometimes better than i know myself...they are my heroes. They are few and far between but the ones that are there will be there forever.