jessica profile picture


You Can't Be Serious!

About Me

I am a mom to my 3 year old daughter Allison and wife to my partner & best friend of six years Chris. I work full-time for a data storage company out of California where I manage the Lead Gen Program for the North America Direct and Channel Sales; I have been with this company in various sales and managing positions for over 6 years.

My Interests

gardening, learning to sew, antiquing & garage saling for hidden treasures, wine tasting, watching my Packers and barbeque'n with my dh


I'm currently listening to Anna Nalick, Natasha Bedingfield, Sarah Kelly, The Killers, Coldplay, Kate Miner, JT, Jay-Z and John Legend. How's that for variety?!


My recent faves: Walk the Line, Crash, Hotel Rwanda, Starsky & Hutch (mainly the dance-off scene!), and The Notebook (yeah I know total chick-flick)My all-time faves: Magnolia, A Beautiful Mind, Zoolander, Tommy Boy, and Kingpin


My ultimate faves currently are The Office and Grey's Anatomy. Then there's always the Family Guy and every one of those awful teen-aged reality shows on MTV that no person my age should relish as I do!


Some of my more recent faves were: The Mermaid Chair, Skinny Dip, Sacred Romance,and The Five Love Languages


My mom is top's in terms of my worldly heroes....and of course there's my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.