DROP SOME COMMENTS GUYZ!! LOVE YAH!!...WELCOME TO MAH WORLD...Hey guyz!nadd mah friendster account [email protected]! domo arigatou!
IloveWATCHINGteeVEEspecialyANIME!!! like EVANGELIONandNARUTO!!!iALSOloveREADINGfanficsANDswimming...n _n
hey there!!!^_^angelica katharina anne dela fuente iz here!!!^_^ (haba ng name noh!... sisihin nyo parents koh!hehe^_^) a.k.a. "FiErY"//oceanyze0102//AKAi want to meet people who were also "ANIME FREAKS!!!"specially sa EVANGELION... NARUTO... AYASHINO... KARE KANO... ETC!!!ETC!!!ETC!!!i also want to meet people na...kindmabaitjollymasayahinfriendlypalakaibiganfreakazoid like me!!epalpapansinmayabangplastikmaartemaldita
please write your comments about me or the fanfic here in the comments box..n_n tankz! lovey yah all!!!