Kispal, 30Y, Hiperkarma, Erzsi, HIM, Kiscsillag, Quimby, Coldplay, Jamie Winchester, Stylaw, HS7, GA, U2, Kistehen, Disco Express, Supernem, Bob Marley, RHCP, PASO, Placebo, PUF, Tesk, BlaBla, Apocalyptica...
Brian elete, Amelie csodalatos elete, Megall az ido, Diszkopatkanyok, Remalom az Elm utcaban sorozat, Parfum, Pillango hatas, Van aki forron szereti, Babel, Orak, A masok elete, En, Pan Peter, Forrest Gump, Sissi I.,II.,III., Indul a
bakterhaz, Papirsarkanyok...
Life of Brian, Amelie, Time Stands Still, A night at the Roxbury, A nightmare on Elm Street, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, The Butterfly Effect, Someone like it hot, Babel, Hours, Lives of Others, Finding Neverland, Forrest Gump, Sissi I.,II.,III., Indul a bakterhaz...
Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre, Dan Brown: Da Vinci kod, Tvrtko konyvek, Emily Bronte: Uvolto szelek