Member Since: 5/3/2007
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Lorenzo Sorbo, 31 years decently carried on, completed its serious academic studies in Violin and Composition spending its youthful years playing with different orchestral formations holding concerts throughout Italy.
Then he realized that music cannot have a diploma or cultural borders and began to frequent the author's song, the classical composition and the experimental soundtracks.
He deals with revisions and researches in 18th and 19th's Neapolitan authors music, working on original manuscripts.
In 1998 he discovered a musical fund of unpublished manuscripts, consisting in about 10,000 score sheets belonging to the Capuan composer Andrea De Simone (1807-1874) . A musical heritage thoroughly unpublished and forgotten! Then he had also the crazy idea to revise,cartulate and catalogue the whole fund. Today he is working on the philological revision and publication of the work omnia of De Simone.
From 2004 he distributes his works through the web,among which a self-produced album Light Motif. He collaborates with the songwriter Antonio Del Gaudio in the show of monologues and songs entitled “Modestly...I die"
Festival Gaber 2008
: - Se sono un buono a nulla, allora voglio andarmene in giro per il mondo e : : costruirmi da me la mia fortuna!
Entrai dunque in casa e staccai dalla parete il mio violino, che suonavo veramente bene, mio padre mi diede alcuni soldi per il viaggio e così me ne andai attraversando lentamente il villaggio. Provavo davvero una gioia segreta nel vedere a destra e sinistra tutti i miei vecchi compagni e conoscenti andare al lavoro, a vangare, ad arare, come ieri, come l'altro ieri, come sempre, mentre io me ne andavo per il vasto mondo. Felice e pieno d'orgoglio mandavo saluti in tutte le direzioni a quella povera gente, ma nessuno se ne curava più di tanto. :
Mi sentivo come fosse un'eterna domenica. E quando finalmente uscii in aperta campagna, presi il mio amato violino e cominciai a suonare e a cantare lungo la strada...