tAnYa profile picture


Its beter 2 hv loved&lost dan 2 nver hv love @ all

About Me

i'm a dRivEn indiVidUaL wHo aims fOr cOmpLete iNdepEndEncE wHiLe sEekiNg tHe tRue eSseNce of Life. i'm cRaZee & oUtgOiNg. i loVe chaLLengEs and gReAt aDvEntuReS. I am a frEe sPiRit...mUst nOt be givEn bOuNdaRiEs...must be aLLoWed to sOar high!!! In return, love at its finest will be my final reward :) I live my life with constant bliss...--=*I own my insecurities I try to own my destiny... that I can make or break it if I choose - "Perfect Girl"*=--

My Interests

gReAt mOviEs, gOod bOoks, StiMuLaTiNg cOnVo oVer LoNg WaLks, oUt-of-toWns, tHe beAch, sHoPpiNg, and oh i just love kids...

I'd like to meet:

aNyOnE oUt tHeRe wHo cArEs tO bE mY friEnD =)


sArAh mcLaChLan's, eNyA's, tOri aMos, LeNe mArLiN's


PaSsIon of tHe ChRiSt, 50 fiRst dAtEs, itaLian jOb, sErEnDiPity, sO cLosE, 10 tHiNgs i hAtE abOut u, tHe fAst aNd tHe fuRiOuS, cOn aiR, fAcE oFf, sOmEwHeRe iN tiMe & aLL aDam sAndLer fLicKs


sEx aNd tHe ciTy, eXtRa cHaLLeNgE, aMaZiNg RaCe


pAuLo CoEhLo's mAsTeRpiEcEs eSp. tHe aLcHemist, pUrPosE dRiVen LiFe, tUesdaYs with mOrrie, and the likes... recently... tHe NoTeBoOk


my dad and my grandma...miss 'em sOoOo much! =(