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About Me

Hey my name is Taishi (Taa-shi)
and I'm Japanese.
I have a different personality every 3 hours or so
Catch me on the good o' clock.
I live life as it comes and do whatever I may.
but I'm trying to grind through it.
I can honestly say I've been through A LOT.
Learning stuff the hard way, most of the time.
I'm that guy you kind of know, but not really at all.
I'm working my way to my dreams, barely have it even started.
I haven't really chosen anything for my future.
I want to take my camera and travel around the world.
Oh, my camera's pretty much an extension of my face. haha.
Self expression which fills my heart with joy.
Its simply a way to express my mind out to the canvas of reality.
EMOTIONS nourish the mind, the mind creates the ART
Whenever happiness fulfills, express it with the beauty of art
Whenever Anger rages, express it with the power of art
Whenever Sadness strikes, express it with the virtue of art
"a bad craftsman can only make a fine art work with fine materials,
a good craftsman can make a fine art work no matter what the material may be."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

It'd be great if I get a chance to meet Quest Crew. Also Ichiro Suzuki. Other than that I want to meet people who can make me happy. People who actually seem like they care. Others: Mina Fujii, Michiko Kichise, Maki Horikita, Yui Aragaki

My Blog

Japan Day 1

Alright, so, Japan day 1.As usual, plane flight was pain in the ass. A whoopin 11 hours with food that's never so good. Oh yeah, I watched Ironman for the 10th time on the plane ha.So I get off the pl...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 07:22:00 GMT


TaishiProbably the coolest person I have ever met. Actually, cool doesn't even begin to describe this person. Not only is he super pro with technology and compliments, he is a true gentleman. His att...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:26:00 GMT

Not Your Typical Asian...

"What kind of grades do you get in high school? Are you like a straight A student, like, studies hard, or are you like one of those average kids, like a C average?"mm yeah, ok, I am definitely NOT a s...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 15:50:00 GMT