CADAVER INCUBADOR profile picture



About Me

SPANISH : ................ Se forma a mediados del 94 por Walter Profanador en la guitarra y Luchito Cauterizador en la voz y bajo, a comienzos del 95 ingresaria William Accelerator en la bateria, grabando su primer demo oficial en el 96 llamado "Te Llego el Olor a Muerte" de estilo grind death gore.En mayo del 98 se retira William Accelerator dejando grabada la sesion de bateria de lo que seria el segundo demo "Llegando a la Colonia de Enfermedades" , siempre en la misma vena que los ha caracterizado.A mediados del 99 se retira Luchito Cauterizador, ingresando Julio Sanchez en la voz , Bernie Maleficarum en el bajo y Eduardo Saravia en la bateria, componiendo los temas para el primer cd de la banda "Coleccion de Humanos".En el 2001 se retira Eduardo Saravia para dar lugar a la reincorporacion de William Accelerator en la bateria, manteniendose esta formacion hasta el dia de hoy, y siempre en el mism estilo que los ha hecho ser reconocidos como la banda mas "enferma y podrida " del Peru a lo largo de sus mas de 10 años destrozando cabezas en Lima y provincias.................................................. ....................ENGLISH : ................This band was created around 1994, Walter Profanador on the guitar, and Luchito Cauterizador on the voice and bass. Beginning of 1995, William Accelarator, becomes part of the band as the drummer. The band recorded his first official demo on 1996, by the name of “Te Llego el Olor de la Muerte “( The death’s reek has arrived to you) which style was mainly Grind Death Dore. In May of 1998 William Accelerator leaves the band, but not before finishing the recording the drums sessions, which down the row would become the second demo, “Llegando a la Colonia de Enfermedades” (Arriving the colony of diseases) which contains the same charisma that always characterized them. By the middle of 1999, Luchito Cauterizador leaves the band. Short after Julio Sanchez becomes part of the band, forming an important element as the first voice. Bernie Maleficarum on the bass, and Eduardo Saravia on the drums. After created the second phase of the band, they gathered all the material they could compose as a band, which eventually become part of the First CD; “ Colecion de Humanos” (Collection of Humans) . In 2001 Eduardo Saravia leaves the band, giving place to the reincorporation of William Accelerator on the drums once again. The members mentioned have remained part of the band until these days. Always in the same style in their veins, this has made recognized among their circle as the most “ill and rotten” band of Peru, which in their long journey of 10 years, they have proved they could destroy heads around Lima and provinces. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 5/2/2007
Band Website: ..
Band Members:
Influences: Carcass (old), Napalm Death (old), Agathocless, Broken Hope y demas bandas similares podridas y enfermas
Sounds Like: Saturacion, Distorsion, Cuerdas viejas, Tos de perro, Bulla , etc, etc, etc.....
Record Label: Gate of Horror Prods / A Sangre Fria Recs
Type of Label: Indie