A letter to Harper: Adam Brammer musings. |
I wanted to show you these videos, as well as give you my favorite
Walter Lippman quote. Lippman actually started his intellectual search
as a progressive and atheist. He wanted to find a method for... Posted by on Sun, 31 May 2009 15:06:00 GMT |
Hudson on Internationalism |
The progressive left today assumes that the world is progressing in adefinite way towards the elimination of differences and the floweringof one human community. This utopian vision that history has a... Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 02:56:00 GMT |
White people are stupid. |
What people are sad that their ancestors dominated other cultures. They want to give you a hug.In order to show off how not racist they are, they will bend over backwards and genuflect to other cultur... Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 01:46:00 GMT |
Demonites |
I coined the term "demonite" in early 2003. The phrase occurred to me when I reflected on evil dark rock and roll, and it's obsession with evil and darkness. As Ozzy Osborn has titled himself "The Pri... Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 06:15:00 GMT |
Lord Hudson’s advice to highschool students. |
I don't like people who try and be too clever. I hate to watch them sitting back from the conversation with a self gratified smile, trying to convince everyone how clever they are. I don't care if you... Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 23:27:00 GMT |
OK, listen asshole. Do you know what a time tear is? A time tear is when time tears, simple yes? Time tears and you suddenly get a glimpse of the future. You don't deserve a glimpse of the future, but... Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:59:00 GMT |
Wes Anderson is a faggot |
I am sure you all know who Wes Anderson is.He's a director/actor who's produced such legendary progressive movies as:The Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) (post-production)The Darjeeling Limited (2007) Hotel C... Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 15:13:00 GMT |
Punk rock is a sin. |
In my father's generation, people rebelled against authority with their music. In my generation, people rebel against music with their music. What is rebellion anyway?Rebellion is a moral indictment p... Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 09:58:00 GMT |
Modern man |
Is a contradiction. Each modern man does not realize himself. He thinks he is objectively wise, a shallow self esteem hammered into him by teachers, who in his early formative years, told him that he ... Posted by on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:23:00 GMT |
The universe began |
We know the universe began. How can we know? How can we measure the universe and know that it began?Because we know that it is expanding. The universe is expanding from a single point. If the universe... Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:51:00 GMT |