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As you know my name is Esther my friends & family refer to me as "Sassy" and Sweet "E". I am the President and Founder of Pepe's Ladies ~ Club de Fans Oficial de Pepe Aguilar. Yes ladies ~ Thee "Pepe Aguilar" that tall sexy man with that cute smile and that amazing voice. Yes ladies & germs...el hijo of the legends Don Antonio Aguilar and Flor Silvestre. Pepe is so damm Gorgeous this man was made with alot of passion. It must really hurt Pepe to be so damm good looking. Pepe should be the man of the Century... Pepe has made my dreams come true in so many different ways. Pepe has treated myself & Pepe's Ladies with Love, Admiration, Appreciation and Respect. One of the amazing thing that happen to me was ~ one year Pepe called me on my cell phone to wish me a Happy B-Day now that's BIG! To all Pepe Aguilar fans ~ Let me tell you this man does care very deeply for his fans. With or without cameras, news reporters, photographers, etc. Pepe will continue to be the same Humble and Genuine ARTIST that he is and that is why we are devoted to him. I swear it's not just for his GORGEOUS looks:) I LOVE YOU PEPE! Mucho Besos and LOTS of HUGS from me to you. I love my job and not to mention outside my office window I can see beautiful San Gabriel Mountains off the 210 fwy. I love going to the Santa Anita Race Track for lunch. live in the San Gabriel Valley. I LOVE to meet new people, Im friendly though my husband thinks Im a flirt...don't like drama queens, nor chismes, I carry sanitizing wipes in my purse and in my car, I consider myself honest and somewhat SHY, I love Sushi especially Sashimi & Lobster, I like to eat chicharron con chile only if mom makes it, I like to drink Green Tea & Barcardi w/Diet Coke my favorite it has no calories, no fat & no carbs. I love to chew on ice cubes, I love the smell of wet dirt & wet cement, I love white Roses and Gerber Daisies. I try to live life to the fullest. I take it one day @ a time. So have fun "Party Get Naked" and always remember to smile and say hello to the person next 2 U. I LOVE YOU PEPE!
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Well, I won for JOICO’s Biggest Flirt. Damm what will my hubby say. In reality am just friendly... Party Get Naked  
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 00:01:00 GMT


Live ~ Life to the fullest. Love ~ Everyone Laugh ~ Every Minute, Everyday    
Posted by on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 23:26:00 GMT