Slick n Fresh 1st Birthday Bash @ Herbal - 5th July 2008
Get Slick n Fresh straight to your page is a brand new UK Garage website.
This site was born with one mission in mind - to let the world know that UK Garage is alive and well.
We aim to keep the world updated with any happenings within the UK Garage scene along with offering up any media possible to download or view (mixes, free tunes, club night photos, music videos, etc).
It's all well and good us scouring the web for the most current content, but we can't find everything. So we would love any UK Garage related input possible.
We can be used as your very own hype machine. Use Slick n Fresh to release your news or media and get people talking about you rather than you talking about yourself.
The site is in stage one at the moment with view to expanding into the premier UK Garage resource on the internet. We are always on the look out for content, so we want any of the following:Got an upcoming release? Let us tell the world
Have a new professional mix you are releasing? We can host it.
Have a UKG Clubnight? We'll host the flyer
Releasing a tune for free download? We want to let everyone know
Been UKG raving? Snap up the place and we can host the pictures
Fancy yourself as a journalist and love UKG? Let us know and you could become an SnF reporterSend news/enquiries to [email protected]
We update constantly, so check us every day for the Slickest, Freshest UK Garage news, views and downloads!