Generally, life, but not everyday...
Purple, Calendars, Magazines, Black & White Images, Men’s clothes, RED SHOES, Triangles, Cameo Brooches, Teddy Girls, Maximiliano & Carlota, Brand New Notebooks or Sketchbooks, Rain, WALKING, My toes, Stickers, Umbrellas, Writing, Cameras, Bags, Vintage stuff, Thrift shopping, Tin Cans, Toffees, Traveling, BIC black pens, Making boxes, Collecting boxes for future use, Gift Wrapping, Gift Making (not buying), Going to the movies, Vengance in movies, French, Flowers, Chance Chanel, Sharpening pencils, Monkeys, Total Darkness (like in a dark room), Reading newspapers, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez, Xylographs and linographs, Earrings, Cats, Hats, Chicago (the Broadway show, not the movie), My friends’ drawings, Beach, Small bright colored post its, Sitting on the floor, Birthdays, Giving to other people, Sunglasses, Keeping my friends’ thing, which ends up in them giving up on getting them back and start calling it mine. Going stationery shopping,
Reading magazines in stands and not buy them, Wireless phones, Peanut Butter & Apples, My couch, My bed, Knowing all the lyrics to a song, Concerts, England, Beer, Wine, Going out with my friends, Public transport, Street art, Highlighting texts, Filling out forms, Dresses, Red lipstick, KEYS, Finding things in the street and picking them up, Libraries, Mailing letters, Stamps, etc.
Someone I haven't met yet.En vez de conocer, me gustarÃa hurgar en el pequeño archivero mental de Gertrude Stein y de Manu...
De todo un poco y no pienso ni comenzar a listarlo...
Adios a Lenin, Lars VON Trier, Drawing Restraint 9, Combo Woody Allen y Scarlett Johanson, Señora Venganza, The Brown Bunny jajajajaja, Meaning of Life y muchas cosas mas....
Esos programas de mi infancia (Clarissa lo explica todo, Pete y Pete, El Conde Pátula, Capitán Planeta, La Ventana de Allegra, Ginger), CSI (en sus tres presentaciones: Las Vegas, Miami y NY) que junto con Criminal Minds conforman mi maratón AXN de los domingos, y el OC (pero sólo la 4ta temporada), oh y también Gilmore Girls y Grey's Anatomy, aunque no lo veo muy seguido porque me caga estar pegada a la tele.
There are too many to remember.... GarcÃa Marquez, Cortázar, Kundera, Borges, Stein... y también J.K.Rowling... soy FAN de Harry Potter...
The Real Story of the Superheroes