Hailing from Butcombe, the true home of beer, PostWarSpain combine soaring vocals and dynamic instrumentation to weave atmospheric audio tapestries upon the listener. Chugging bass underpins spiralling guitars and evocative melodies, held together by snappy, crashing drums.
They have graced venues such as moles club, the louisiana, the croft and joe publics, and have played to audiences of nigh on 500 people. The highlight of their musical existence has to be recording in worl reknowned olympic studios in london.
PostWarSpain are current *on a break* as various people head off to university and faraway places. Gigs will start again, probably next year.
Press for PostWarSpain:
'Aggressive Alt-Rockers’
The Guardian
'Melodic Post-Rockers'
'Spiralling guitars echo with a resonance that rises through the ceiling to the night sky'
'They are REALLY GOOD...Enya turns male and fronts Coldplay gone prog...tight, snappy drumming...sublime guitar...Here we have a band that clearly take time over their songs and, like England’s inspirational cricket captain Michael Vaughan, will keep tinkering until they get the best results.'
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