Boys, girls, blondes, brunettes, Diet Pepsi, cigarettes, vodka and cranberry, chilli con carne, Converse sneakers and high heeled shoes, rockin' out, all my gorgeous mates, KTT's hot tub, goofin' off, being wheat-free and smug, having my hair dyed, fantasizing about being a rock star, creative writing, poetry (especially Philip Larkin and Sylvia Plath) sleeping in, taking dumb photos, having those amazing spontaneous muck-about days which start normally and end with something lovely - and that always give you fantastic memories.
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Hot Water Music, Alkaline Trio, Deftones, System of a Down, My Vitriol, JJ72, Head Automatica, Christina Aguilera, Lacuna Coil, HIM, A Perfect Circle, Elliot Minor (just got into them, bloody wicked) The Magic Numbers, AFI, Pink, Linkin Park, Mad Capsule Markets, Queens of the Stone Age, Blondie, David Bowie, The Moody Blues, Finch, Jimmy Eat World, The Smiths, Radiohead, Michael Jackson, White Stripes, Alexisonfire, Destiny's Child, all drum n bass and heavy industrial and most types of electro me work it, I'm perfect!!
American Beauty, The Virgin Suicides, Donny Darko, Thirteen, Ghost World, Fern Gully, Napoleon Dynamite, Mean Girls, John Tucker must Die, Labyrinth, Star Wars, Slap her she's French! Buffalo 66, Girl:Interrupted, Charlie's Angels, Hostage, The Incredibles, Spirited Away, The Notorious Bettie Page, Steamboy, The Village and Late Night Shopping
King of the Hill, The Simpsons, Sugar Rush (except now it's been cancelled...grrrr gnash) Hollyoaks, Black Books, Alan Partridge, Star Wars: Clone Wars, The Office, Life on Mars, The Royle Family,anything featuring Peter Kay and 'trash TV' as enjoyed by myself and my absent Caerdydd pal Sarah - this includes The Simple Life, Poor Little Rich Girls, Castaway: Battle of the Islands, Totally Frank, Joe Millionaire, Playing it Straight USA, and that one with the two millionaire chicks in the US who do nothing but shop all day. The theme tune goes 'something something it's so glamorous.' Oh and blatantly all the old cult crap like Captain Bucky O' Hare, Biker Mice from Mars, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Dog Tanian and Tales of the River Bank. Hammy's so cute!!
Anything by Zadie Smith, Sugar Rush by Julie Burchill, The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides, all the Calvin and Hobbes books by Bill Watterson, Ghost World by Daniel Clowes, Kung Fu High School by Ryan Gattis, Strangers in Paradise by Terry Moore, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, anything by Margaret Atwood, Brick Lane by Monica Ali, 26A by Diana Evans, Bone by Jeff Smith, Lady: My Life as a Bitch by Melvin Burgess, the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, all the Molesworth books by Ronald Searle, Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson, Maus by Art Spiegelman and the Welkin Weasels series, House of Tribes and Frost Dancers by Gary Kilworth.
Favorite, least favorite, and then some...
Animal at the zoo: Mongoose. Or those big guinea, Capibarras! That's them! Aaaah!
Carnival ride: Rollercoaster. No contest! I love that noise they make as they crank up to the top...
Carnival food: Ice cream sundae. Or a big fat burger with relish and onions. Lovely.
Carnival game: Hook a duck. The prizes are crap, usually, but you always win something.
Type of shoe: High heeled round toed pump, or Converse sneakers in any colour.
Brand of clothing: Warehouse, if I can afford it. Which I seldom can.
Toy as a kid: Fluppet. They were cute glove puppets that were animal shaped. I had several.
Cartoon: Bucky O Hare and Dogtanian as kiddy faves. Simpsons and KOTH as grown up animation.
TV show: Sugar Rush.
Game show: I pretty much hate all gameshows, but Fun House was a kiddy classic. I saw Pat Sharpe once, at Liquid in Cardiff. The shaaaaame....
Video game: Spyro the Dragon 2. Coz I completed it 100%! And Doom and DOA for violence. And tits.
Board game: I hate 'bored games' because I always lose. But I'll say Twister to show willing.
Singer: Probably Christina Aguilera, if we're talking solo artists.
Group: My Vitriol. Though its a tough call...
Least Favorites
Season: Winter. Cold, dark, rain. Good job we have Christmas, firework night, Halloween and New Year, otherwise we'd go mad.
Sport: Football. So boring to watch. Ditto snooker.
Color: Lime green, acid yellow, stinging orange. Anything neon. Tack, tack, tack.
Hairstyle (on you or someone else): Skinhead. Mullet. Greasy rocker hair. Blonde with roots. I've had the last of these badly.
Holiday: Ugh, we went to Wales on time and it was just awful.
Piece of jewelry: Anything big and gold, you know, like Elizabeth Duke jewellery.
Mode of transportation: Bus, probably, though I get it every day. The deisel stink. The overpriced tickets. The random nutters talking to you. F**k off!!
Teacher (of all time): Mrs Laferton at little school. Mr Woodfield at the High. Jobsworths.
Insect/Rodent: Wasp for insect...I don't mind rodents really. Though wild rats are pretty gross. Big hairy things.
Restaurant: Eating out is always great! Oh, wait, there was this Italian resteraunt in Cardiff that was well mediochre.
Movie: Where do I start??? Legally Blonde 2. Silent Hill. Creep. Magnolia (I'll get blasted for that, I know, but it was overwrought, overlong twattery!)
Song: Again, too many to choose from, but here's a few. Barbie Girl. Place your Hands. Build me up Buttercup. All that drivel they play on so called 'student nights.'
Book: Tough one. Chick lits usually pretty obnoxious. And I thought that Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time was a bit of a let down.
Neighbor: The mad old bag next door who put up a seven foot fence for no real reason. Old boot.
This or That
Ford or Chevy: Ford, for sure. Not a Yank so I've never driven a Chevy.
Read a book or Watch a movie: Read a book. Geek!
Action or Comedy: Action. Especially Arnie movies which combine 'action unt comedy.' YOU'RE FIRED. Ha!
Hotdog or Hamburger: Burger. Not so keen on weiners ha ha.
Steak or Chicken: Eeech. Can't choose...OK at a pinch...chicken. It's more versatile.
Rain or Snow: Snow. Duh!
Day or Night: Night. But only just. Mainly coz it's socially acceptable to drink. And you can sleep!
Beach or Pool: Beach.Aaaah, it's the most wonderful place on earth.
One story house or Two story house: Two storey. How can you parachute off a one story?
Buried or Cremated: Morbid! Cremated. Wouldn't wanna be buried alive.
Dog or Cat: Dog. No contest. Woofety woof!
Pasta or Meat and potatos: Pasta. Especially spagetti bolognese.
Carpet or Hardwood: Hardwood. Tee hee, splutter, suggestive winking.
Take the picture or Be in the picture: Be in the picture. I generally end up looking hideous but its more of a giggle. Plus I can't photograph for shit.
Random questions
What was the toy that you wanted the most but never got?: A brand new Mega Drive. With Sonic 3.
If you had to switch lives with a famous celebrity who would it be?: Lindsay Lohan. Who wouldn't want a emotional car crash fuelled by relentless cash, drugs and expensive shags?
If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?: I'd meet Margaret atwood. I'd ask her what to do with my life.
Are you an organ donor?: Nope. The idea creeps me out.
If your house was on fire, what item would you run back in the house for?: Probably a Bible, coz I'd need some answers as to why my house burnt down. Then my MP3 player.
Have you ever been bit by fire ants?: Hell no! And I don't live in a country that has them...unless they're actually red ants with a fancy Yankee name.
Ever caught fire flies?: Nope. Don't think I've ever even seen one. Do we get them in Britain?
Ever had to work on Christams Day?: No. I nearly got coerced into it when I worked at the Thistle. Then they tried to get me to do New Year. As if!!
Have you ever had a prank backfire on you?: I've never been one for practical jokes. So not really no.
How many DVD's do you own?: I dunno. A fair few. Mostly TV stuff, and a few films I like.
How many CD's?: Lots, but not loads.
Do you still have a VCR?: No. I find them annoying.
What TV show is most like your own life?: God, what a question! I'd like to say Sugar Rush, lets be honest, but it's seldom that exciting. More like Question Time or something dull!
What was the last song you sang outloud?: Umberella, by Rhinna. It was on the Radio.
When was the last time you admitted you were wrong?: Um, I don't know. I don't really let rip with random comments that could be wrong, really.
When was the last time you apologized?: This afternoon, to Dad.
When was the last time you were apologized to?: This evening. Sister.
Have you ever had to stop a friend from drinking and driving?: No, none of them have been that drunk. Steve drove us through Cardiff once, a bit tipsy, but it was the heavy snow and Adam in the boot that made it a bit hair-raising.
Who do you want at your next Thanksgiving Day dinner?: My what? We don't have Thanksgiving in this country, doofus.
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: No, thank the Lord. I'm not a violent person.
How many hours a day do you watch TV?: Not many. An hour or two maybe.
How many hours a day do you play on the computer?: Lots, if I have to check my email. Or tinker with MySpace! And Wikipedia is addictive!!!
How many times a day do you change your clothes?: Twice. After work, or if I go out in the evening.
Did you like this survey?: Yes, it had a combination of random and interesting questions. And not too many stupid spelling mistakes.
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