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Principle of StewardshipThe Bible has a lot to say about stewardship and giving. This is an attempt at summarizing some of the key teachings that, I believe, are basic to any Christian Stewardship education program.
So often I find that we put stewardship and giving into the same basket. It helps to realize that if we are wise stewards or managers of all the resources God gives us (the stewardship of our time, our talents and skills, our money/possessions and creation), then we will have more that can be given back to God for special Kingdom purposes (giving)!Living a stewardly lifestyle, enables us to be more useful in God’s Kingdom – it helps us to be more available for specific Kingdom causes.It also enables us to have more ‘first-fruits’ that we offer to God as gifts of gratitude – for his gift of life, abundant life, through Jesus Christ, and for giving us a sense of purpose/mission in this life! But let us also recognize that our giving is not limited to money.As important that we think money is, gifts of our time (volunteerism, work as elders, deacons, Sunday School teacher, counselor etc), our talents (musical, technical, administrative, written, people skills etc.), and of the creation that we may have been blessed with the responsibility for (our homes, farms, businesses etc.) are just as important and maybe even more! Money is convenient – it is a medium of exchange and therefore, often is given more importance than the others. Our giving needs to reflect all aspects: writing a check is only a small part of a stewardly, giving lifestyle.