FasHion icE LemON teA diCtioNarY goGiRL maGz RuM RaisIn iCe cReaM wHiTemusK oiL sTrawbeRRy caRaMeL macHiaTo LasaGna T-sHirT FLaT shoEs caTokaN
haPPy peoPLe # m. sHadow # saRi niLa
HomoGenic cLub80's wHiTeshoes aNd the coupLes compaNY the saFari maE coPeLaNd sOre The UpsTaiRs goODniGht eLecTric saosiN PaRis HilTon poLyesTer embassY gWeN sTeFanny aVriL laVigNe oLiVe Tree aPe On THe rooF baLLads oF the cLicHe jojo BeyOnce asHanTI long siNce foRgoTTeN aVenGed seVeN FoLd aNbeRLin
tHe deViL weaRs PRADA LeGaLLy bLoNde (1&2)
aLL oF pHiLip koTLeRs' bOOks ('n')v
my LuvLy iNdiaN boY