My children and family. I love doing genealogy research and reading anything historical. Crocheting...browsing little shops...yeah...I guess I am boring. I like the little things...I don't need big gestures...just meaningful ones.
Fun and interesting people. Have something to say...say it. I love a great conversation. I don't want someone that is looking to go outside of the their marriage. So...if that is your goal...I'm not playing.
Collective Soul is my favorite band but I really don't have a specific type of music I like. I rather keep open to the possibilities of what might turn me on.
Again, don't have a specific genre but like to keep all the doors open. I love when a movie is smart,well done,and takes me somewhere new. I also love movies that move me and make me think. It could be slow or fast and furious but it captures my attention and I am along for the ride. I love movies!
Why watch TV when you can do so many other things? I rather kiss,cook,take a walk, throw in a DVD,play a CD and dance...or just play piano.
Haven't had the opportunity to read a lot lately. Love to do more again. I can go for the chick ones...Nora Roberts or Nicholas Sparks biographies or classics. Just trying to find the time to do it.
My children and my Mom and Aunt Patty. They inspire me and make me want to be more than I have been. I love them for that. Also, I would have to say Policemen, Firemen, and the military. They give so much of themselves to ensure that we can have security and the freedom to live our lives.